Chapter Thirteen

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With a full stomach, her head was spinning from all the wolves that introduced themselves. Meleni knew she would never remember all their names. But she felt a little comforted by the fact that most of her new packmates were seemingly kind. They all approached with wide smiles, dipping their heads and saying something along the line of, "Welcome, Luna." She didn't really know how to respond to them besides a nearly silent thank you and a soft smile. It had been so long since she had been around so many wolves.

After breakfast and the greeting session was over, Basilius took her hand and guided her through the halls again, this time, leading her somewhere she wasn't expecting. He led her outside. Behind the large packhouse, there was a garden, filled with all sorts of flowers and grasses, and at the center, there was a white gazebo. Her eyes were wide with awe as she deeply inhaled the smell of flowers and fresh air. Then her eyes shifted to Basilius. He was watching her with an adoring smile. It was clear he had been taking in her beauty, examining every little detail.

"I thought it might be nice to be out in nature for a little while." He whispered and turned her towards him, brushing a stray milky lock out of her face.

"Yes, it's very refreshing.. and calming." She took a step closer to him, pressing her lips against his for a quick kiss. But as she released it, he pulled her body against his, nipping at her lips before kissing them deeply.

She let out a gentle gasp and let a playful look cross her face as she felt a strong hand grip her bottom. But their moment was interrupted by the clearing of a throat. The pair turned their heads to see Vasso and Annita approaching. As always, Vasso had a stoic expression while the delta female was flustered as to what she had witnessed. Meleni slipped away from Basilius, despite a soft growl from him. To keep her mate at ease, her arms snaked around his arm to hug it.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something," Vasso said cooly as he stopped in front of them.

Basilius looked like he wanted to say they were, but held his tongue, simply shaking his head in reply.

"Well, I know it's still early in the day, but I think it would be a good idea to get ready for dinner tonight. It won't be long before it's time to get going..." Vasso spoke, coaxing a soft growl from Basilius.

"Right... Well, I better go get things sorted out before we leave... Annita. If you would be so kind, I would appreciate if you helped Meleni pack." He grumbled as he began to walk away.

Meleni watched with the feeling of her heart sinking. She cursed the mark for causing her to miss him already. Once he was out of view, she turned her head to Annita who offered her a sweet smile.

"Why must I pack?... I thought we were only going for dinner?" Meleni asked with a tilt if her head.

"Well, it takes a while to make it to the Red Fang Pack's packhouse. So its convenient to stay the night there. You will be returning home in the morning." She explained, beconing for Meleni to follow her back inside.

The two women began to slowly stroll through the halls, the wolves they passed dipping they're head with a smile at the two. Meleni could only awkwardly nod back before hurrying past them. The attention was strange. And being without her mate only made her more uneasy.

Within moments, she was back in the room she now shared with Basilius, where Selene and Elyse were ready setting a suitcase on the bed. They smiled brightly, clearly in a good mood and Meleni certainly knew why already.

"Congratulations, Luna, on your marking." Selene cooed.

"I think it's so sweet that you've accepted our Alpha. I know he really adores you." Elyse nodded in agreement.

Meleni sucked in a deep breath and looked to Annita for help. with a quick nod, the Delta female turned to the she-wolves and shooed the with her hands. "Thank you for your assistance, but we can handle it now, go on and help some others please."

"But Anni-" Elyse started, but was cut off by Selene's hand.

Elyse shut her mouth with a small smirk and nodded. Then the two shuffled out of the room with a bit of a giggle. Meleni released her breath when the door clicked shut. Slowly moving to the suitcase, Meleni looked at Annita, asking for help again.

"Right... You're going to need something you can wear to dinner... and to sleep in, and something for the morning." Annita smiled gently at Meleni, leading her to to closet. She pointed to some maxi dresses that had an elegant and almost formal look to them. "Choose one for tonight..."

Meleni slowly ran her hands through them before she stopped on a dress that was a deep red, nearly black. It looked the most comfortable and warm. She pulled it out of the closet and handed it to Annita, who easily folded it up and set it in the suitcase.

"Choose a night gown too, okay?"


Meleni pulled out a long white nightgown with small lace detailing and set it in the case. While she folded it up, Annita had already snuck a set of very scandalous undergarments along with an extra outfit into the suitcase. And with that, Annita zipped it up for her and grabbed a coat for her.

"I think she have a bit of time before we leave so... would you like to share a cup of tea with me?" Annita offered.

"That sounds nice..." Meleni mumbled as they left the room, heading to the room where they had tea once before.

They sat in the armchairs and called for Elyse to bring some tea for them. But Meleni couldn't get her mind off her mate. She missed him so much. She didn't know where he was or what he was doing. Her eyes glazed over as she stared at the hands in her lap.

"Meleni." Annita brought her back to reality with her name. "Are you okay?

Meleni could tell she was concerned. Slowly, she nodded with a sigh. "Yes. I just... don't know what to do with myself without Basilius here to boss me around." She said with a small laugh, somewhat sarcastic about it.

"I see... Well, don't worry. He'll be back very shortly. I'm sure he feels the same. And as an Alpha... he wants what he wants. And he always wants you." She said, looking down the hall.

"You think so?"

"I know so. I've known Basilius since I was born. I know how he is." She nodded with a chuckle. "But.. You never really struck me as someone who is likely to miss people... after all you were in a desert all alone."

She paused and looked at Meleni. "Why were you in the desert all alone in the first place. It is a place were no one would wish to live typically..."

Meleni shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She was not ready to share that. She may have been in the pack, but she didn't trust them enough to know of her past. Meleni shook her head and looked down. "I don't remember."

"That doesn't sound very tr-"

"No. It's true." Meleni barked.

To her surprise, Annita shut her mouth quick and looked down. She was Luna now, she held some power over the members of the back. Meleni let out a whine. She didn't like it. It was too much to handle.

The two remained silent until Elyse arrived with they're tea, yet the awkwardness remained between the two as they sipped the warm drink. Meleni feared she was somehow loosing the trust of the delta female. Maybe because she lied to her. Was it that obvious to her?

Author's Note
Finally another chapter! This isn't gonna be edited because I'm tired and I am just ready to post it. What might happen at dinner? :o Why was Meleni all alone in a desert? We shall see soon. Thank you all for reading! ♡♡♡

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