Chapter Seventeen

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Mature chapter ahead.

"That bastard made your life hell. He hurt you. He needs to pay for that." Basilius said in a dark voice, low with rage.

Meleni placed her hands on his chest to try and calm him down. Beneath her fingers, she could feel him trembling while his muscles tensed under his skin. Looking into his eyes, she found a predator, ready to go on a rampage. She needed him to calm down.

"H-hey. Basilius..." She whispered, gripping his face carefully, forcing his eyes to meet her own. "Basilius."

He paused to look into her eyes as she pressed her forehead against his. She let her lips meet his. It was as if he melted into her touch like wax near a flame. His body relaxed his weight falling against her, slowly pressing her against the soft bed. A soft purr escaped her instinctively. It further loosened her mate up. He opened his eyes slowly as he tilted his head back to break the kiss.

"Meleni..." He purred right back to her, causing her eyes to sparkle a bit.

Beneath his heavy form, she pushed her thighs together, as there was now a warm pool. Her mate could easily smell her arousal, a small growl rumbled through his body onto hers. Her skin tingled at the hot contact of their bodies. Now, she wanted more. He also was aware of this. And so did the wolf inside him. He wanted her. Large hands gripped her tiny waist, pulling her close to his large frame.

A small shutter of a sigh escaped her. Then she peeled her eyes open to give her an affectionate look. They both needed this, to find comfort in each other. She could tell, as she looked into his eyes, he knew the same. A smile delicately curled her lips as they met his again, but just barely, brushing against his. When trying to lean into it, she was quick to move her head back to keep them from allowing him to claim them, but not enough to keep them from parting. A giggle escaped her as dominating growl rumbled the room. However, a small laugh came from Basilius as his hands grabbed her face to keep it still.

"Do not tease me, little mate." He grumbled playfully.

"I will not give in so easily as I did when I was in heat." She barked back in the same tone.

"You know Alpha's do not enjoy to be disobeyed. And we get what we want." He arched his brows before pulling her face close and pressing a soft kiss against her lips.

However, Meleni was quick to push his hands away from her face and fling her weight against her mate's broad chest. Luckily for her, she took him by surpise and was able to knock him off the side of the bed with a loud thump. Meleni did not worry though, she knew her mate was strong. A small fall wouldn't hurt him. Besides maybe his ego.

In a hurry, she dropped down onto him, sitting on his chest. She let out a victorious laugh as she raised her eyebrows. Soft hands placed themselves against his face that held an irritated look. He then rolls his eyes before grabbing onto her thighs that rested on either side of his chest.

"You think you can be in charge, Mate?... You're wrong. I am your Alpha." He smirked and with one smooth movent, he yanked her forward by her thighs.

A small, flustered yelp escaped her as she realised his face was now between her legs. When she tries to jump away, she found herself trapped by two very big, muscular arms anchoring her in place by her thighs. Her body tensed up as she now felt her mate's hot breath against her womanhood. The only thing separating him from it was her thin panties, soaked in her wetness. Another puff of his breath made a shiver run through her as he chuckled

"My sweet Meleni... No wonder I could smell your arousal so much..." He teased.

Suddenly, his tongue dragged across her panties. A surprised squeak left Meleni as her hands landed on his arms holding her in place. One of his hands shifted a bit, gripping her panties before carefully tugging hard enough to rip them off of her. She gasped before quickly biting her lip.

"Take off your dress... I want to see you..." He commanded.

Meleni wanted to shake her head and tell him no, but she was a submissive putty as soon as his tongue again passionately assulted her sensitive body again. Small sweet moans began to escape her almost immediately as she slowly peeled the fabric from her skin and lifting it over her head. Then she gripped his arms again, easily sinking her nails into his skin as he refused to relent with the skillful movements his tongue made against her clit and slit. He then allowed his lips to grace her skin, softly kissing and sucking and lapping at her juices.

"That too." He mumbled and looked to her bra.

"Take it off yourself." She playfully pushed his buttons, but just barely. She instinctively wanted to give into him wholey. It took more will power than she thought to keep herself from ding as he said.

A growl left him now, rumbling through his body and then through hers. Shifting a bit, he shifted his hands to her waist, scooting her back enough for him to sit up. his large hands shifted behind her, unclasping her bra, allowing her to shrug the straps off her shoulders. A smile played at his lips as he pulled it off and revealed her breasts to him.  Basilius was quick to attack them with kisses and nips, his large hands skillfully fondling them. Happy cries and giggles erupted from Meleni before she let out a surprised squeak as she was lifted into the air. Then she was tossed onto the bed, another playful shriek escaping her. 

In an instant, Basilius was over her again, positioning himself. Smiling softly, she hugged his neck and found herself kissing him passionately as he pushed into her. He didn't hesitate to start thrusting in at a steady pace. Meleni welcomed it, their moans melting into one as their lips repetitively crashed into one another. She took a second to breathe, her hot breath hitting his face as her head tilted back, writhing in pleasure beneath him. 

"Oh... Basilius..." She purred and allowed her lips to meet his, but he didn't kiss her again.

Her eyes met his and she let out a small growl. He would dare deny her a kiss while they were making love? But she only found amusement in her mate's eyes. He chuckled and shook his head. "I like to hear your voice, purring my name like that."

Upon hearing this, her face lit red with embarrassment. Basilius let out another laugh but he shook his head and pressed his lips against hers and pouring an astounding amount of passion into it. "But I won't deny you, little mate, if you truly wish it." And with that, he kissed her again and gave her an especially hard thrust, causing a shocked yelp to escape her, followed by all sorts of pleasured noises.

In no time, the two had climaxed, Basilius seed filling her, no doubt with hopes of planting a pup in her stomach. They lay on the bed, entangled in each other's limbs, Meleni's small torso laying over her mate's much larger one. She took in a few deep breaths, softly panting, unlike her mate. His hand found its way to the back of her head, affectionately petting her head and twirling her milky hair in his fingers. At that moment, the two had been able to feel at peace. At that moment, nothing mattered to them, even with their troubled feelings before. But it would not last long. A storm was brewing for the two.

OML. Thank you all so much for 2k!! I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the delayed updates.

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