Chapter 5

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It's been about a week and a half since the move. The house is now fully furnished and plans for the basement have been written up. My dad says he plans on finishing it. I don't think I'm going help him with that. I'm still not ready to go back down there.

The strange things have calmed down for a bit. The voice still occasionally talks to me, but that's it. I've had dreamless nights everyday since the last dream.

Maybe things are going back to normal. Mom did say that once we got settled in things would calm down, Don't get your hopes up. Things are just getting started. The voice whispered in the back of my mind.

I didn't know what to make of that comments hope that it's not true. It's just my mind playing tricks on me. There isn't a voice. And things aren't weird. I know they aren't. I'm slowly going insane aren't I?

My parents still don't know about the voice, surely they would just lock me up and throw away the key. They don't need any crazy children. I'm just going to drop all this nonsense now. Things aren't weird and I know it.

I was laying on my bed, when I looked up to my lightbulb. Then u got an idea. I remembered what happened the night with the stars. Maybe I could try it with the lightbulb light.

I reached up and made a pulling motion at the light bulb. All of a sudden, I was holding the light in my hand. Not the lightbulb, the literal light that was contained within it, it didn't hurt, or burn. It was just in my hand.

I was astonished. How am I holding light in my hand? Light can't be held like this, it's simply impossible! Yet here I am, doing just that. I poked at it, it was warm, but harmless. I tossed it in-between my hands. And twirled it on my finger. What does this make me? You are a shadowwww......

I heard a knock at my door. "Jason

honey, I'm coming up." She said. I panicked, still holding the light in my hands. I fumbled it and almost dropped it. Without thinking I threw it up back into the light bulb, where it remained. I tried to sit as natural as possible.

"Jason honey, you haven't left this house since we moved here. You need to see the town. We are going shopping one on one." She said. I tried to protest but she shushed me "Too bad, you're going, no exception," she said. I knew better than to protest. Mom always got her way. I sighed, getting off my bed.

It took me about 39 minutes to get fully ready, all in all not that long. I just needed a quick shower is all. I styled my hair into a quiff, as that's how it usually is. I know it's mainstream but I don't care, I love it.

I rushed down to the living room, my mom was just slipping on her shoes. When she saw me she smiled. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yep, now let's get out shopping on!" I exclaimed, which made her laugh.

We made our way to the car. So I'm finally gonna see what this town has to offer. I was kinda nervous, I mean I might see people my age. I love socializing don't get me wrong, but lately I've just not been feeling up to it. I hope you don't meet people my age. I do not want them to see me in this state.


As we drove through the town I made sure to look around. It was a nice little quaint community. Everyone seemed to know each other. Everything was nice and neat and it didn't look trashy or anything. It was cute. Nice and pleasant. Like a place to retire at.

We drove on Broadway, the Main Street. It's where all the shops and such were. There were a bunch of small boutiques bunched together. My mom pulled into that area. I was excited, all of the clothes looked so cute. I enjoy getting nice things what can I say.

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