Chapter 8

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It's been a week since Leila came to live with us. She's brought light into our house, everything is constantly lively. We're always messing around and goofing off. I don't feel as depressed as I used to.

Even the twins loved her, Nic always wanted an older sister. And Leila treats Nic just like one of her siblings. She ignores her. I'm just kidding, she teases her.

I've almost forgotten about what's been happening in my life. I probably would be moving on by now if the voice hadn't returned. It shows up just often enough to keep me from forgetting whatever is happening.

Luckily nothing has happened in the darkness. I haven't heard any whispers, but I do know something. I feel a presence, and I know someone is there. No, not someone, something. But they don't seem hostile, so I'm not worried.

I wonder if I am crazy? If I am, it doesn't seem super harmful. I can easily hid it. I'm thinking it might just be a phase. Every teenager is a bit crazy, I am just coming to terms with mine.

I can't deny one thing though, I'm pretty sure Leila notices things as well. I often catch her staring out of the corner of her eyes, like me. Further proof I'm not crazy. We never see things at the same time, so I know we don't both see it.

Me and Leila were downstairs in the living room. We were watching The Little Mermaid. A Disney marathon, because Disney is awesome.

"I don't get it, Ariel seems to comprehend the English language very well, why can't she just write to the prince?" She asked.

"Ugh she's a fish, she doesn't even know what a pencil is!" I said.

"I guess that's true." She said.

"I'm gonna get some more popcorn, would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"Get me a Coke!" She practically yelled.

As I entered the Kitchen I noticed it was pitch black, I guess it was late out. It was kind of eerie. But I'm paranoid when I'm tired, I always think that some serial killer is going to jump out and kill me.

I flickered the lights on and went over to the pantry. I pulled out a big bag of microwaveable popcorn, and I placed it in the microwave. I'm a master at popping popcorn, it (almost) never burns.

As I waited for the microwave to finish popping I saw the lights flicker. I hope the lights don't go out again. That would really suck. Just as I had that thought I heard a click and everything went out.

Freaking out I ran to Leila, who was still on the couch.

"Um Leila, we're gonna have to switch the breakers." I said.

"Okay, get to it." She said.

"Um the breaker in in the basement..." I said. I couldn't see but I knew Leila was cocking her eyebrow at me.

"Please don't tell me your scared." She said, stifling a giggle.

"You don't get it, I find it really creepy..." I said. I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

"Okay Princess, let's go down to the basement." She said. I smiled.

I felt a hand grab mine, it was Leila's of course. We've held enough times for me to easily recognize this feeling. Her hands are small. And very soft.

"So, where is the basement anyway?" She asked me.

"It's really dark, but I have the layout of the house down in my mind. It's this way." I said, pulling Leila along.

I open the door, getting a creepy feeling as it opened. It was pitch black. I found the railing and carefully tread down the stairs. I remember the last time I was down here, it wasn't a good time.

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