Chapter 12

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I made my way toward the forest wall, where the large black wolf was beckoning me. I knew I had to follow it, to see what kind of knowledge it holds. I would do anything to get more information on what, or who I was. I needed to know what was going on with me and how I could fix myself. And this wolf seemed to be the only thing to be aware of the whole situation.

I didn't feel afraid, as its eyes didn't hold any aggression, it held curiosity. As if I was just about as much of a mystery to him as he was to he. How do I know it's even a he? I mean his voice is very deep and smooth. It's a sensual voice that sends shivers down my spine. It was the texture of melted chocolate.

I reached it, at the edge. It was partially hidden, as if it didn't want to be seen. It beckoned me to follow, nodding it's head to the direction it wants to walk. I lightly touched it's back, grabbing it's hide so I wouldn't fall behind (also because I needed the support) . His pelt was rough and course, tangled. It was warm though, it seems comfortable.

The wolf didn't seem to mind the contact, he seemed indifferent. So I didn't let go, but dig my hand deeper into his fur, making sure I wouldn't accidentally let go. This was the easiest way to make sure I didn't stray off the path, and the wolf was so large that it was uncomfortably to low down for me to grab.

He was actually about my height on all four legs. He was incredibly large as I have previously mentioned. It could kill me in a second of it wanted to. But I knew that at least for now I was safe. Although this thing doesn't have the best track record I know it would try to hurt me until it at least knew what I was.

We came to a stop, it was the clearing we had met before. The one that was just a ways away from Shadows Creek, the doorway to darkness. I sat down on a log as he stood in front of me. He appeared to have something to say. I hope he finds something about me. I can't bear being in the dark about this any longer.

'First I'm gonna explain to you the concept of the shadow, as that is the kind of aura you put out.' I heard the wolf say directly to my head. I nodded.

'I'm ready.' I thought.

'The Shadows are creatures born of darkness. They aren't bad by nature but that one that come to this realm have ill intentions.' He "said" 'the ones here intend to form physical bodies in order to terrorize the humans.'

'Well then why did you think that I was a shadow? I have a physical body and I hold no aggression towards people.' I thought.

'That's the thing, I don't know what you are. You definitely aren't a human, your aura is that of the supernatural. But it is impossible to be a shadow in this realm as you have a physical body. I think it would be best for us to work together to figure out what you are' He said. I nodded.

'First may I ask, what are you?' I asked. He shook his head.

'I'm afraid I can't reveal that to you, it is not time.' He said. 'Anyways I believe it is time for you to leave, we will meet again in a week's time." The wolf stayed. I nodded, standing up.

'Thank you for the information, I won't be late.' I say. He nodded and lead me back to the forest wall.


I see Leila standing next to the car. She had a bunch of bags which went against the while 'window shopping'. But I mean Leila can't control herself when it comes to clothes, ninety-nine percent of the time I only go shopping because of her. Don't get me wrong, I do like clothes. I just am not that crazy about shopping and all that.

She looked over at me, and waved me over. She didn't look angry, or even irritated. On the contrary, she looked rather excited and happy. Even more so as she pulled out a pair of new combat boots. So that's why she looks so happy.

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