Chapter 4

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Okay, everything was now put up in my room. It was looking very me. I sat on my bed and looked around, clearly proud of my work. I think my room looks amazing, I know that this will definitely be a place I could go if I ever needed to rest.

It was now around 3 o'clock. I don't know what to do. The internet won't be on until next week. Maybe I'll read something to pass the time? But I've already read all of the books in my collection.

I fell back onto my bed, clearing not knowing what to do with my time. In so bored. I turned to my side, twiddling my thumbs. I sat up, looking around for something to do. I hate not having something to do, I get anxious.

"Jason!" My mom yelled up the stairs. "Come downstairs real quick!"

I got off my bed, straightening the blanket. I'm a bit of a neat freak sometimes, only when it comes to my room though. You should see my school bag, that is one huge mess.

I headed down the stairs, closing my door behind me. "Coming mother!" I yelled down to here.

I went downstairs and saw my mom and dad by the front door, looking like they were going somewhere. The twins were with them, with their coats on. I'm assuming they are going with them.

"Hey Jason, we are going to pick out some furniture, the twins are coming with. Would you like to come?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'm good this time, have fun and pick out some good furniture. I'm just gonna chill or here," I said, she nodded.

"Okay Jason, don't get into trouble and I love you. See yo when we get back," she said as they left the house. I shut the fire behind them, waving them off.

Looks like I get the house to myself. It's not like I'm gonna throw a wild party. All my friends are back over in my old town. I grabbed some popcorn, I guess I'll just watch some movies in my room until they return.

I went the movie library. Now it's time for an important decision; horror, or romcom? I love both genres so I really don't know. I decided to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I know, classy decision. Nothing like the classics that's for sure.

I ran up to my room, the door was slightly ajar. Hmm, I could of swore I shut it fully. Maybe I only thought I did. No use getting hung up on a door that was only slightly open.

I pushed open the door, running over to my DVD player. I popped in the movie and sat down on my bed, setting the popcorn on my lap. It's been some time since I've had a movie night like this. I'm excited, this is gonna be the first normal thing I've done since I've gotten here. And it was going to enjoy it for sure.


It was around the middle of the movie. I have probably spilt popcorn everywhere, especially since I've been so jumpy. I love horror flicks. I love the adrenaline kick you get from watching them. It's almost like being high. The further you get the more dopamine that gets released into your brain. It's absolutely addicting.

The main character was currently hiding from Leatherface. He was slowly creeping up on her. Just as things were about to pick up again the screen just blinked off. I sat there for a second, before going to investigate. The tv was still plugged in, but as I went to press the button it just didn't respond.

I tried to unplug it and plug it back in. It didn't work. Maybe the breakers are out? I don't know where the power box is. Should I get up to investigate? Should I just wait for my parents to get home? I looked at my watch, it was 5:34 P.M at the moment. I guess going to look for the breakers shouldn't be hard.

I decided the first place I was going to check was the kitchen. As expected it wasn't in there. I decided to check the living room, which held the same results as the kitchen. I continued to search the first floor, finding nothing.

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