Chapter 9

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She was taking five million years changing and she knew it! It was pissing me off. She doing this to tease me. Sometimes Leila really gets on my last nerve. And she enjoys doing it too, and that makes it even worse.

I was pacing outside of her room. I'm a very impatient person. So I don't really like to have to what long. Actually I really hate having to wait long. And she knows that, and I hate her.

She's still in her room, I lean against the wall in wait. Ugh why. I need to get out of the house today, I know I do. I want to go and see things. Leila really sucks sometimes.

I knock on her door, it's been too long. There wasn't an answer. I go to knock again, but as soon as I go to the door swings open.

An aura of darkness hits me, knocking me back. I look up, and I see that Leila is standing in the doorway. She is surrounded by the dark aura I first saw her in. It looks like a large shadow is falling over her.

I looked at her, clearly in shock and fear. But when I looked at her, I could no longer sense the strange aura. It just was gone. I shrugged my fear off, I was just being paranoid, and I was seeing things. Maybe my annoyance caused me to see her as an evil being.

"You okay there?" She asked me. I stood up straight, brushing myself off. I scowled at her, grabbing her collar.

"Why did you take so long! It's Been twenty minutes!" I yelled at her. She dramatically waved her hand in front of her nose.

"Grab a breath mint mister morning breath!" She exclaimed. I shot her a glare, and I pulled her downstairs.

Nobody was downstairs, as everyone was likely sleeping in. It's very normal for us all to sleep well into the afternoon. Well I mean on the days my parents don't have work and such.

The lights were all off, and the kitchen was untouched. This family isn't about family meals, and breakfast is something that never happens unless family is visiting. And family never visits. We all usually eat at a bunch of different times, although dad and me are the only ones who actually cook anything.

I look over to Leila, now her family were all about family meals. Her and her many, many siblings would eat every single meal together. But then again her mom was an absolutely amazing cook. I would eat every meal she prepared with no issue.

"Let's grab some food and leave, we can eat in the road." I said. She looked at me.

"Ugh I don't wanna drive, my neck hurts. And I'm sick of cars." She said. I glared at her as usually.

"Toughen up buttercup. I wanna get out and nothing you say could change my mind. I wanna get out of this stuffy house. It honestly creeps me out and I have been really jumpy lately. I need some fresh air and sunlight." I said all matter-o-factly. She sighed.

"Well, let's get on the road I guess." She said, grabbing her keys.

I wasn't surprised, I alway win. But that's only because Leila never really put up a fight. But hey? That works better for me I guess. I always get my way. Wow that sounded really entitled. Okay that's not how I like to portray myself. I am a classy person. Okay now I'm rambling, I've got to stop. If you can't tell I am very awkward.

We walked to Leila's new truck, and I climbed in the side. "Shotgun!" Leila snickered at me

"Get in the back seat!" She yelled. I glared at her.

"But nobody else is even here!" I growled.

"That's quite rude of you. You're forgetting about a Moe." She said with an undertone of sass.

"And who is this 'Moe'?" I asked. She looked at me all serious.

"Moe is a creature of the shadows. He is extremely dangerous so I wouldn't want to get on his bad side. He has a tendency to eat souls." She whispered. I looked at her, half in shock and half in disbelief.

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