Prologue: Strange Visions

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“Are you happy, child?”

 That voice. She was certain that she knew that voice. But where from? 

 Suddenly the pearly-white mist that clouded her vision faded away, and she saw a cave. It was all there: the campfire, the glowing, bluish crystals, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi asleep in a corner. She knew them well. She remembered it all from her stay on Mortis, but there was a difference to it. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was off. 

 “Your Master, did he treat you well?” 

 There it was again. But where was that voice coming from? She turned around, and started when she saw a Togruta woman standing a few feet away from her. She looked like her, yet years older, judging by her lekku and montrals, which were longer. 

 “There is a wildness to you, young one. Seeds of the Dark Side have been implanted in you by your Master. There are many contradictions in you, and in him. Be warned: you may never see your future if you do not learn the truth, or he his future! You must learn what must be learned in time, or the very fabric of the universe as you know it will collapse! Beware!” 

The woman disappeared in a flash of flame. She then saw horrible visions, but she couldn’t close her eyes. Everyone that she knew well, being tortured or killed in some way. Lux Bonteri was being strangled by an unseen rope, and so were Padmé Amidala, and many of the Jedi Masters that she knew.  

Then the strange fog, now a menacing purple, turned dark in places, and shaped itself into a strange black mask, connected to a shiny black helmet. A figure appeared underneath it, and its black, gloved hand lifted into the air, in the way that a Jedi strangles someone using the Force. She felt like a noose had been knotted around her neck, and the strange, caped figure was pulling on it, and choking her. An old man in a cloak cackled in the background as he shot lightening at Mace Windu. 

Then he let go of her, and she heard a cry of pain. Anakin Skywalker’s. She tried to run towards it, to help him, but she couldn’t move. But it sounded weird and distorted, like it was coming from inside the mask. It was. 

“No,” she whispered, when she realized who the figure in black was, who was causing so many people so much pain. ”No, no, no, NO!” 

And then the strange, masked figure disappeared, and she saw a forest with very tall trees, shrouded in fog. She tripped on something, a root perhaps, and then she was falling, falling, through the strange white mist. And all was black.

 Ahsoka Tano woke up screaming!

 It took her a few moments to calm down, but her heart was racing, and she was drenched with sweat. She took a few deep breaths, which seemed to work. But she could not forget her dream. It was the one that she had been having every night for the past week.

 She didn’t understand it. At first, she hadn’t been able to hear the Togruta woman speak or Anakin cry out, or see the strange figure with the black cape and mask. This later vision was clearer than any that she had seen yet. She remembered from the last time that this had happened, back when she had been a padawan, that what she was now seeing was a very probable version of the future. But she did not know if it was a near future, or a future that was still a while away. 

 Even though it was the middle of the night, Ahsoka knew that she would not be able to fall asleep for a while, so she just lay awake, pondering the strange visions that she was having night after night. What did her future image mean by the truth? And was Anakin in danger from this figure from the dream? And who were they?

Definitely a Sith Lord, she thought. A Jedi would never even dream of causing such horror. Maybe some meditation will clear this up. Meh, tomorrow. I won’t be able to meditate on anything except sleep right now. Not even. 

She felt her eyelids fluttering shut, and soon she was asleep, to where no evil things could take hold of her.

The Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano, Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now