Chapter Two: Sinister Plans

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 Count Dooku sat at his spacious desk in his palace on the planet of Sereno, going over a plan of attack on some Jedi cruisers carrying important cargo with one of his droid commanders. Suddenly, a small light on the desk flashed green, signifying that someone wanted to contact him by holo-transmission. It then flashed blue, which had a special meaning.

 Sending the commander out, the Count pushed a button to accept the call, and promptly knelt down on one knee. An image of a cloaked figure came up.

 “What is thy bidding, Lord Sidious?” he asked. This call hadn’t been expected, but then again, his Master’s never were. 

 “It appears that we have been neglectful, Lord Tyranus,” rasped the old Sith Lord. “A loose end has come to my attention, that, if not tied, may compromise Order 66.” 

 “And what is this loose end, my Master?” 

 “A padawan who left the Jedi Order over a year ago, who is having visions of the effects of Order 66, and is preparing to look in the Archives for answers. She may find that which we do not want to be found.”

 “Who is this padawan, Master?” 

            “A Togruta female who goes by the name of Ahsoka Tano. She is currently living with Senator Lux Bonteri. They have grown… close.” The Lord smiled an evil smile at this detail.

  “Who was her Master? I do not recognize the name.”

 “You disappoint me, Lord Tyranus, with your ignorance. I am surprised that you do not remember the name of Anakin Skywalker’s former padawan!”

Count Dooku had a sharp intake of breath, but mentioned nothing of his absolute hatred of the young Jedi. “Forgive me, my Master.”

“In order to clean this up nicely, we must end her. Lead an attack on Onderon. Leave no one in the house of Senator Lux Bonteri alive.” 

“As you wish, my Master.” There was an evil cackle from Lord Sidious, and then the call ended. 

He got up, and calling the droid commander back in, he said, “Prepare the fleet. We must launch an attack on the planet of Onderon.” 

By your command.”

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