Chapter Fifteen: Collective Worrying/Visions of the Future

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Anakin Skywalker and Lux paced about outside Ahsoka’s room in the medical bay on the Jedi Cruiser Resilient. They were both extremely concerned for their friend, who had apparently suffered severe blood loss, and unhappy that they weren’t being allowed in to see her.

We are undergoing delicate operations to heal her, and visitors will not be permitted at this time,” a medical droid had told them, but the Jedi and the Senator, who were normally so composed, were starting to get impatient after having had to wait for nearly three hours.

 Finally, they were allowed in to see her. Nearly knocking over the medical droid, they rushed through the door and to her side. 

“Ahsoka? It’s me, Anakin,” he said to the immobile figure on the bed.

“And Lux,” interjected the Senator.

“Can you hear us?” There was no response except a faint groan as she slept on the medical sedatives.

“Will she be all right?” Anakin asked the droid.

She will be fine, but will need to sleep off the sedatives we gave her during the operation. It turns out that a piece of metal from the debris managed to get underneath the bandage, and caused more blood loss and inflammation  than her conscious state could tolerate. The only thing that we can recommend now is for her to stay put for a day or two,” came the reply.

The two had a collected sigh relief. “I guess that’s that. Senator, we can take turns watching over Ahsoka. You can go first,” said Anakin with a comprehending expression. “I know that she means a lot to you.”

Lux suddenly understood. Ahsoka must have told her old Master about them! Well, he could keep a secret. “She means a lot to both of us,” he said as he sat down next to her. Anakin nodded, and left the room.


“Are you awake, little one?”

Ahsoka stood in a misty forest with tall, old trees with vines snaking around and hanging down to the forest floor. She had the impression, although she couldn’t remember having been there, that she knew this place.

“Who are you? Show yourself!” she cried, trying to mask her deepening fear. She tried to find her lightsabers, but they weren’t on her belt.

“I am you, child. Your future. I am within you, and cannot show myself.”


“Because I have something to show you. Come: walk with me.” The voice led her through the misty trees and to a strange cave, or rather, a cavity between tree roots that led down into the darkness below.

“What is this place?”

“Use your feelings, child. Can you not feel the dark energy that comes from here?” Ahsoka could feel something foreboding about the cave. “It is the well of the Dark Side on this planet.”

“And which planet is this? It didn’t feel so dark to me before.”

“It is in the Dagoba system. It is strong with the Force, and will eventually be the site of an important event: the training of the last Jedi.”

“The last Jedi? So, then the Jedi will perish in this war?” she asked fearfully.

“Yes. A diabolical plot has been set in motion. Soon, the Dark Lord of the Sith will have a new apprentice. You must find out the truth about Order 66 in a month’s time, otherwise it will spell defeat and extinction for your kind. Your destiny is tied to theirs.”

The voice faded away, and the image before her changed. She could see thousands of Clone Troopers, led by a figure hooded in Jedi robes, approaching the sacred ground of the Jedi Temple. She felt death moving around the Temple, and taking the lives of all who were there, either by laser blast or by laser sword.

Then the picture changed again, and she saw the hooded figure kneeling before the old man in the purple cloak from the last dream. “You have done well, Darth Vader,” he said in a distorted voice.

“Thank you, my Master.” She knew both of their voices from somewhere, but she couldn’t place them. But that was all that she needed to know. For it meant that she had already met both of the Dark Lords of the Sith.

Her vision turned black.

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