Chapter Thirteen: Power

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They exited the prison cell. Running to the elevator, Ahsoka and Lux shut themselves in and zoomed towards the main hangar. Once there, they realized that they were not alone.

“We’ve got company!” she cried to Lux, eyeing the enormous assembly of deadly droids. With a graceful swing of her lightsabers, Ahsoka stood to face her adversary, who stood at the head of the platoon: General Grievous.

 The ruthless droid commander glared at her with his beady yellow eyes and said, “Ah, two new lightsabers for my collection. I would enjoy killing you myself, Jedi, but I will leave that pleasure to another.” 

With that he stepped aside, revealing Count Dooku in person. With a fluid motion, he took his lightsaber from his belt and held it at the ready, but didn’t turn it on. “You are to interfere with the plans of the Sith. This I cannot allow.” 

She examined her surroundings, taking in every detail. The count was a good deal taller than she was, and stronger; but she was smaller, faster, and more agile. Also, if she managed to get on top of a shuttle nearby, then she would have the high ground and an obvious advantage. But she knew that she couldn’t underestimate her opponent, for he was a Sith Lord. 

 “Wait!” she said. “If it’s me you want, and not the Senator, then he should go free. If I win, then he can board that shuttle, without a droid escort, and leave. I’ll stay. If you win, then you can keep both of us. You get me either way.” 

 “Very well. We have determined the rules of this game, now let us begin.” His lightsaber flashed on. It was the sinister, blood-red color of Dark Side lightsabers. Ahsoka took off her cloak, and her own swords from her belt, and turned them on.

Sith and Jedi circled one another for a few moments, lightsabers on and humming softly, ready for the first blow. They were each eyeing the other, daring them to attack first. Then Count Dooku rushed her, and she closed her eyes in a few instants of meditation. 

She couldn’t explain how, but she felt… powerful. It was unlike nothing she had ever experienced. Ahsoka’s true senses had been dormant, but were now awake. It was almost as if she had switched places with her old Master, and had access to his powers as the Chosen One. She was like him: strong, able, free – and she could win. 

 She opened her eyes. 


Three lightsabers clashed – two green, and one red – with a loud zipping noise. Lux held his breath, stiffening, as he watched the deadly duel commence.

Ahsoka was on the defensive, countering each of the blows with easy accuracy, but despite her apparent control of the situation, he couldn’t help but be afraid for her. She slipped, and away went her shorter, yellow-green saber, skittering across the floor. Dooku took this opportunity to try to shock her with his lightening powers, but she absorbed the airborne electricity with her remaining one, with clear effort.

It’s costing her, thought Lux. She isn’t up to speed, or something. Dooku has the advantage. He had never been so scared for her in his entire life.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and then closed completely. She lowered her lightsaber, without turning it off, allowing the lightening to course through her. But something wasn’t right. She wasn’t falling over. She wasn’t hurt by the electricity: she actually seemed to be welcoming it. It shot through her veins, exciting her blood cells and making her light up. Amazed that the Dark Side’s special power had no effect on the former Jedi, the count stopped his attack. It taxed anyone, even a powerful Sith Lord, to use lightening for too long.

Ahsoka, still lit up from the lightening flowing through her, then did something that would shock – literally – even the most unimpressionable of people. She did something that only Master Yoda had ever accomplished.

She redirected lightening. 

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