Chapter Six: Memories of a Rebellion

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Lightsabers flashing wildly this way and that, Ahsoka was single-handedly fighting off the laser blasts of three Separatist droid gunships, and a variety of other droids on the ground. From prior experience, she knew that each ship was equipped with an incredibly powerful ray-shield that nothing could penetrate from afar except fire from the latest rocket-launchers. Darting and weaving, she deflected the shots in every direction that was away from her.

Yelling something incomprehensible (probably a string of swear words) as a deflected shot missed his face by inches, Lux stumbled out onto the roof, lugging a large crate behind him. “Ahsoka!!” he cried out in alarm. 

“Lux! What are you doing out here? I told you to stay inside!” she said, using the Force to move a large piece of rubble in front of them as cover.

“You told me to get everyone to the basement. You never said anything about going with them.”

“Fair enough,” she admitted grudgingly. “What’s in that box that you absolutely had to get out here anyways?”

 Lux smiled mischievously, despite the fact that a bomb dropped nearby was making the building shake. “Do you remember these?” he asked, taking off the lid and unveiling four rocket-launchers.

 “You kept them!” she cried, remembering how on the very same planet, over eight months ago, these very weapons had been delivered by smugglers on the behalf of Anakin Skywalker. He hadn’t been allowed to get involved, but had wanted to aid in Onderon’s rebellion against the Separatists. She touched one gently, for it was connected, in a way, to a bittersweet fragment of her past. 

“I don’t know if the Separatists have upgraded the design of the tanks, so that these won’t work, but it’s worth a shot.”

 “Completely,” she said, hefting one of the launchers. “First one to shoot down one of those flying tinnies wins two credits!” 

“Deal.” Lux picked up another one, and Ahsoka was vaguely reminded of a far-away time, back when they had been just friends, trying to beat the Separatist forces off Onderon. Together, she thought and smiled.

 Simultaneously they jumped out from behind their makeshift cover and each fired a shot at separate tanks. The tank shot by Lux received the blow full-force, while Ahsoka’s shot glanced off of the protected machine. Shooting again, she struck down the droid, and then with a third shot, finished off the last one. 

 “I guess you owe me some credits, Ahsoka.” She glared at him, saying nothing. But their success was short-lived: they spotted five more gunships flying towards them with deadly speed.

 “So, what? Do we raise the bet to three–”

 Her question was interrupted by five consecutive booms. Each of the rapidly approaching gunships was shot down with impressive military precision. One landed nearby, sending up a cloud of dust. Distracted by coughing fits, Ahsoka and Lux missed the arrival of their reinforcements. 

 “So, what did I miss?” a familiar voice asked.

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