Chapter Three: Separatist Attack!

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AHSOKA TANO           

Ahsoka Tano was meditating. Breathing deeply, she concentrated on her dream, and what had happened in it. She gasped. Suddenly, what felt like a tidal wave of the Dark Side hit her. She nearly fell over at the force of the impact.

 “I can see your thoughts, child,” whispered a raspy old voice, like that of the old man in her dream. “I can feel your desires. Your cares. He will die. You will die. And the Sith shall rule the galaxy!

 In her mind’s eye she saw the Jedi Temple, littered with dead and dying Jedi. Not even the younglings had been spared. It was a nightmare come true. Then the scene switched, and she saw the Council Chamber, and a group of younglings hiding behind the chairs. 

A figure in a long brown cloak entered, and the younglings came out, and one spoke to him. Then the figure pulled a lightsaber on him. Ahsoka watched as he started to kill off the young Jedi one by one. She screamed, and the figure turned towards her, but she couldn’t see anything except two eyes that had yellow irises, rimmed with red. Then all she saw was black, but she heard a sad voice say: 

“This is what will happen if you do not learn the truth in a month’s time. The Sith shall rule, and death will be unleashed on your kind. The time comes.” 

Then the vision ended.

Ahsoka slipped slowly out of her meditative state. She was shocked at what she had just learned. That it was the Temple that would perish. And by her kind, had the voice meant the Jedi?

As long as you think of yourself as a Jedi, then you are a Jedi, an inner midichlorian piped up. It was true.

Suddenly, Ahsoka heard a faint boom, and then another, and then another! Then another one, but louder and far closer. They were explosions! She raced to the window and looked out. What she saw made her cry out with dismay. 

There were buildings on fire all over the city, and close by, too. She saw droid gunships flying over the apartment, and heard a deafening explosion. One of them had dropped a bomb directly overhead!

 Luckily, the Senator’s main apartments weren’t on the top floor, but the building shook ominously. Dodging a piece of the ceiling that was falling down, Ahsoka whipped open the door and ran down the hallway. She met up with Lux, who was running towards her. 

“Lux, what’s happening?” she yelled over the explosions. 

“We’re under Separatist attack! There’s an army headed right for us!” he yelled back. 

“Not good.” Ahsoka tried to think of what Anakin Skywalker would do in this situation. And then it hit her. 

“Get all of your aid into the basement,” she called. “They’ll be safer there.” 

“Where are you going?” 

“Where do you think?” she asked with a wicked grin. “I’m going to turn some droids into scrap metal!”

The Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano, Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now