Chapter One: Morning on Onderon

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Ahsoka was awakened by sunlight streaming in through her window, and the now familiar sounds of the birds singing outside. She was in a good mood, but it was shattered by the memory of the dream last night.

I have to tell him, she thought. She didn’t even bother to put on her old Jedi fatigues. She just left the room in her old leggings and a bandeau, which she had been sleeping in, and put her boots on and her two lightsabers on her belt. Lux always had insisted that his home on Onderon was hers as well, and besides, the Senator’s aid had learned to put up with the young Togruta’s presence, so she had nothing to worry about. 

Strutting off down the hallway, she pushed a button and the door to the terrace outside opened, where Lux was having breakfast. The high wall around the grounds had an advantage here: they could eat their meals out in the gardens, free of unwanted attention. 

Lux, hearing the door, got up and walked over to her. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her softly in the lips. Ahsoka was puzzled as to why, but kissed him back anyways. 

When they parted, she asked, “Why’d you do that?” 

He smiled. “Two reasons. Because I am so very fond of you, and because I can see that you didn’t sleep well last night.” 

“How did you know?” 

“When it’s the girl that’s been sharing my villa for the last six months, I notice these things. Those dark circles under your eyes aren’t invisible, you know.” 

She sighed. “I had a bad dream.”

Lux looked concerned, and led her into the garden, where they sat down on a stone bench, the very same one that he had been sitting on when Ahsoka had fallen – literally – into his life. “Can you tell me about it?” 

“Yeah,” she said. “I think it was a premonition or something. I saw so much pain and suffering. It was all being caused by a figure in black, with a mask. I don’t know who it was, but I’m sure that it was a Sith Lord. And I think that Anakin is involved somehow. I was told that I needed to find out the truth about him if I wanted to see my future.” 

Lux thought about this for a moment. “Well, there’s only one way to find some of the answers that we’re looking for. And that’s…” 

“In the Archives! But that would mean breaking into the Jedi Temple again. I don’t know how hospitable the Jedi will be if I do that a second time.” 

“I agree with you, Ahsoka, but our only other option would be to call on your old Master or General Kenobi.” 

“No. I don’t want to get them in trouble. I think that this is something that I should do myself.” 

“Incorrect: That we should do ourselves. I’m coming.” 

“But I thought that you had that speech to give in front of the Senate in a week or two. Won’t this get in the way?” 

“It might, but I can get one of my associates to take care of it for me.” He gave her a caring look. “And besides, if my girl is going to risk her neck on Coruscant, well, then she should have some backup.”

“You seem to want to support me in every way possible. Isn’t it a little over the top?” 

“Of course not: it’s what people do for the ones that they love,” he said, holding her tightly and gently kissing her cheek. She felt another kiss coming on. 

“Thank you, Lux.”

The Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano, Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now