Chapter Fourteen: Escape to the Resilient

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A golden burst of electricity shot out towards Count Dooku and knocked him flat over. Ahsoka almost gasped when she realized what she had done, for it was a rare ability, and even rarer for those who followed the path of the Light Side of the Force. But her smile faded when she saw the count lying on the floor. This was Ahsoka and Lux’s opportunity to escape!

She ran towards him, cutting the droids that stood in her way to pieces. “Come on!” she yelled, taking his hand. “Now’s our chance!”

Ahsoka grabbed her other lightsaber, put both of them back on her belt, and they pelted off towards the shuttle. Suddenly, there was a huge crash, and an explosion blew the closest wall apart. Throwing herself down and pulling Lux with her, they avoided the worst of the falling debris.

But the former Jedi had the misfortune to have a piece of flaming metal land directly on her wound. Crying out as the pain commenced, she clutched her side, but forced herself to get up. Lux followed suite. 

            But their escape hopes were dashed: a heavy piece of metal that had been a part of the wall had landed on top of the shuttle, completely disabling it. There was no way out now except by the pods, which were too far to go. Then there was a whole ensemble of crashes and booms, as the ship began to destroy itself.

“They must’ve hit the main reactor!” Ahsoka yelled out, as a call of abandon ship was played through the communication system. They looked wildly about for means of escape from the imploding Separatist cruiser. There was none: General Grievous and the count were already hopping aboard separate one-person ships, and there were no others. They were soon gone. 

“I guess that leaves us no choice.” Lux pulled out his communicator, and turned it on. “This is Senator Lux Bonteri. Jedi Cruiser Resilient, respond.” 

 “Senator Bonteri, we read you,” came the answer. Ahsoka perked up when she head the voice, suddenly alert. It was that of Obi-Wan Kenobi! 

 “Master Jedi, my personal bodyguard and I are stranded in the Separatist command ship’s main hangar, and in need of assistance.” 

“We’re sending a gunship for you now. Stand by.” The transmission ended, and he put his communicator back in his pocket. 

“We need to get closer to the door, and fast,” Ahsoka yelled, as the ceiling started to collapse. They started to run, and made it there quickly, considering that they had to weave their way around flaming debris falling from above. 

The gunship coming to rescue them flew in, doors open, and a cable was tossed out to them. Lux climbed it as Ahsoka Force-jumped up, and they soon found themselves inside, amidst several Clone Troopers. The blast doors shut, and away they flew, just in time to hear a final explosion as the ship was destroyed.


The gunship carrying the former Jedi and the young Senator flew towards the Republic Cruiser Resilient without any issue, except for the occasional fwoom of some laser fire that came a little too close. Soon, they had landed in the main hangar and disembarked. 

 “Senator Bonteri, I’m glad to see you alive and well,” said Obi-Wan Kenobi in greeting. He hadn’t yet seen Ahsoka, who was behind her friend. “And your bodyguard made it here safely as well?” 

“Yes. My thanks for the rescue, Master Jedi. I believe you’ve already met my bodyguard…” He stepped out of the way so that she came into view, limping slightly. 

“My, I didn’t expect to find you here,” he said, with a note of surprise in his voice as he saw her. 

 “It’s good to see you, General Kenobi.” She tipped her head slightly to him, trying to hide the pain her wound was giving her, but to no avail. 

“I can see that you’re hurt. Did something happen to you?” The Jedi Master’s face softened with apparent concern. 

 “I can manage,” she said, but was suddenly conscious of the fact that the bandage was soaked through completely, and suddenly felt faint. “I think I’m going to – ohh.”

  She fell to the ground, unconscious from the blood loss. 

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