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"Hey Commander what's going on?" asked Kay over the radio.

"We believe Sturmtigers are bombarding us, have you encountered the enemy yet?" responded Darjeeling.

"I sent Koala on recon, she spots fifteen E-100s, ten Maus, four Heuschreckes and one Panther II, all heading towards us. We should be expecting contact soon, " replied Kay.

"Let me know when you do," Darjeeling said.

"Will do, Kay out."

"Darjeeling out."

Kay looked through her binoculars. Chi-Ha-Tan and Koala tanks waited in the forest.

"What are we waiting for, we should just attack them now," groaned Tamada.

"Patience Tamada," said Nishi.

 Suddenly the forest came alive. Fire erupted from in front of the squad of tanks. 

"What! Where are they!?" cried Alisa.

"I see them, follow my tracer," reported Hosomi.

The tanks began to fire into the bush. Fire returned. Several Chi-Ha-Tan, Saunders and Koala tanks were disabled by the hidden ambush. 

"That camouflage is pretty effective," said Wallaby.

"Yeah, just aim for the muzzle flash," said Kay.

The two sides kept exchanging shots before the Desuheddo tanks slowly rolled back. 

Kay's radio came to life. "Koala here, they're retreating."

"I thought they would have honor," said Nishi disappointed. 

"This is perfect they're on the retreat, let's charge after them!" beamed Tamada.

"Kay?" asked Nishi.

She spoke into her radio. "Koala where are they going?"

"Not sure they went behind a hill."

"Alright, everyone advance slowly," ordered Kay.

The squad of tanks made their way past the tress before finally coming out of the forest. They were met with a horrifying sight. More than thirty Desuheddo tanks aimed their barrels towards them.

"Back up! Back up!" screamed Kay.

The barrels lit up in front of Kay's eyes. Her tank and others around her rocked as the shells soared towards them.  The tanks crept back into the woods while the heavy German tanks kept firing. 

"This isn't looking good," Nishi said.

"Naomi you still there?" asked Kay.

"Just!" she coughed. 

"You see that Panther II, that's most likely the command tank, take him out."

"Copy that," said Naomi.

The Sherman Firefly fired it's shot towards the Panther II. However, a Maus parked itself in front of the Panther getting hit in the process.

"Damn it!" Naomi cursed.

Trees began to topple around the tanks. Kay watched as the German tanks stopped firing. 

"Cease fire!" ordered Kay.

Everything was silent. Kay looked around to see the numerous tanks waving the white flag. She eased her heavy breathing while watching the tanks in front of her. 

"How many did we loose?" asked Nishi.

"I count fifteen," replied Kay.

Nishi began to cry. "Is this it?" she whimpered.

Kay brushed away her own tears. "No," she said. "We're gonna charge."

Nishi looked at her. "What?"

"Commander," Kay said into her radio.

"What's happening over there?" Darjeeling asked.

"We've lost half our force Darjeeling, permission to charge."

"Are you serious, you'll all be wiped out!" Darjeeling objected.

"We'll be wiped out no matter what we do, Nishi is loosing it and Naomi's firefly is pretty much useless."

"I can't afford to loose you all, I'm sending members from Unit Gaulle now."

"Darjeeling it was a pleasure," said Kay.

She turned off her radio and closed her hatch before putting her hand on her gunners shoulder. 


Kay's Sherman sped towards the heavy German tanks followed by Nishi and Koala. Soon the whole of Unit Bradley rushed towards them. 

Gustav looked through his binoculars. "What the hell?"

"Orders sir?" asked a Desuheddo Officer.

"Bring up the new tanks!" called Gustav.

"Bring up the new tanks!" repeated the Officer.   

A team of three Kugelblitz tanks rested on top of the hill facing towards the advancing tanks.

"Have they finished loading?" Gustav asked the Officer.

"Yes sir," he replied.



The Kugelblitz tanks opened fire on the speeding tanks. One by one they were destroyed. One by one white flags were raised. 

"Keep driving and firing!" cried Kay.

"For the Commander!" shouted Nishi.

Kay noticed the tanks aiming for Nishi's Chi-Ha tank.

"Nishi watch out!" Kay advised. 

It was too late. Nishi's tank flipped and tumbled like a rag doll. Kay's Sherman turned around to shield her fallen ally. Gustav watched in pleasure as every tank was cut down by the rapid fire of the Kugelblitz, the Officer watched in horror. Kay's Sherman, the last standing tank of Unit Bradley, was struck with a swarm of fire.

"Cease fire!" cried the Officer.

"You idiot we have them, keep firing!" objected Gustav.

The Officer kept going. "Stop! Cease your fire!"

The tanks responded as Gustav looked at his officer in shock. The Officer ignore his commander and watched as Nishi got out of her burning tank and stumble forward towards the German tanks. Kay opened her hatch and saw Nishi fall face first.

"Nishi!" cried Kay after her.

She descended from her tank and went to aid Nishi. 

"You ok?" she asked her.

"Yes, just tired," replied Nishi.

Koala soon joined the pair waving a white shirt at the onlooking Desuheddo members.

"What have we done?" said the Officer to himself. 

He then removed his cap and put it to his side. The Desuheddo crews did the same. Gustav did not. He kept staring at the Officer and the crews as they all began to salute the three girls. 

"What are they doing?" asked Kay.

"They're showing us respect," said Nishi quietly. 

Kay smiled as tears rolled down her cheek. The three girls held each other and burst into tears. Finally Gustav took off his hat and saluted them as the sun began to fall behind them. Gunfire from across the field kept going. But for Nishi, Kay and Koala the war was over.  

Girls und Panzer KriegWhere stories live. Discover now