St. Gloriana and the Dragon

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Shells ripped into the Storm Fortress from every tank, ignoring the gunfire from the Castle. 

In Russian "Driver ram it!" ordered Aleksandr.

In Russian "Yes sir," acknowledged the driver.

The IS-3 sped towards the Landkreuzer at full speed.

In Russian "Aleksandr what are you doing!?" cried Klara.

There was no response, all watched as the IS-3 was nearing the massive wheel of the Landkreuzer. 

In Russian "Now!"

The loader stuck out of the tank and carefully flung sticky charges on the front of it. The IS-3 finally made contact with the wheel, the loader detonated the charges causing the IS-3 to be disabled and the Landkreuzer loosing a wheel.

"Commander aim for the gap!" cried Aleksandr as the white flag waved above his turret.

Darjeeling's Churchill rotated it's turret. 

"Make it count Assam."

The Churchill's barrel exploded, flinging a shell at the gap between the two wheels. The Landkreuzer exploded. Smoke and fire arose from the back of the mega tank. 

"Commander Bittrich, what's happening over there?" asked Schnellmerker into his radio.

"They've found our weak spot sir," replied the commander.

Soon the whole tank exploded as the crew started to climb down the ladders. The Storm Fortress was now covered in smoke and fire. Before finally raising a giant white flag in defeat.

"Attention all tanks," said Darjeeling. "We have slayed the dragon."

The girls cheered in victory as did the crew of the IS-3.  

"You will be rewarded after this Aleksandr! Mark my words," said Darjeeling. "Now all tanks advance on that castle."


Having defeated Gustav's forces at the bridge, Darjeeling's forces entered the castle. 

"Over there! Kugelblitz!" shouted Maho.

Two Kugelblitz tanks turned a corner to face the advancing tanks. The tanks fired on the now shooting flakpanzers before finally destroying them. Suddenly the loud speakers around the castle walls came to life.

"Commander Darjeeling!" It was Schnellmerker. "I wish to make a deal with you!"

"What deal?" asked Darjeeling.

"Simple, I challenge you to a one on one tank duel on the bridge. If you win my forces surrender and the victory is yours, if I win your forces surrender and the victory is mine."

"Commander don't do it!" was the main plea of the other girls.

"This could be our only chance!" object Darjeeling. "I accept!" she called out.

The faces of the commander went pale with horror and anger. From the rubble of the destroyed castle rolled out a Panther II along with Schnellmerker.

"So it ends here?" asked Darjeeling.

"Here only," replied Schnellmerker. 


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