Chapter 7

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Right now y/n is still asleep and i just woke up by now, i then gets up and went to bathroom and do my morning routine

After i did everything i went back to y/n and saw she's still sleeping with her hugging the pillow, she's such a cutie...

After i did my routine i went downstairs to make y/n and i's breakfast


I woke up smelling a delicious pancake

Is Yeji making pancakes?

I quickly gets up and went to the kitchen,then i saw Yeji were so focus tilting the pancakes

She's so freakin' cute!

She then looks at me and i gave her a smile she then smiled back

"did the pancakes woke you up?" she said with a chuckle "yes the pancakes smells so good,is it finished?" i asked while looking at the pan

"you have wait for a while before you eat this" she said while looking at the pancakes

"okay then i will just do my morning routine" i said and quickly went to the bathroom


I and Yeji were eating the pancakes while we're talking

"are you feeling better now?" she asked with a concerned look on her face "yes?.....i mean i still can't move on from them" i said while my heads down "it's okay y/n i'm here for you" she said with a cheering smile "thank you so much Yeji! I don't know what i'm going to do if you're not here cheering me up" i said to her "no worries y/n" she said while smiling

"How about we go to shopping?" she asked "really?! Uhm yeah i'd love too!"i said "okay okay chill,just go ahead wear something casual"she said "okay okay"i said then i went upstaird and changed my clothes


I and y/n is now in mall,we bought some clothes,make ups and etc. We decided to get a milk tea and we both ordered Okinawa.

"This is so much fun Yeji thanks for this" she said while smiling "welcome y/n,i just want to get off your thoughts for awhile and have some fun so here it is!"smi said smiling back to her

"i'm so lucky to have you as my friend"she said



"and i am too!" i said with a weak smile

Uhg! As much as i want to tell my feeling to y/n it's not easy,she haven't move on from blackpink yet but i will do my best for her to like me back....

I really hope she is.


I and my friends,blackpink,were on the mall, cuz we decided to buy new things on our house and some shit.

As i was searching for something i noticed a two familiar girls,i got curious so i look at them and examine who they are.

But then i got lost when i saw

Chungha and Seulgi...

"lisa is that you?"chungha unnie said "anyeong unnie's long time no see" i said while smiling

So chungha unnie and seulgi is my bestfriends since i was still on New York,they are my buddies/sisters for real.

"we missed you so much lisa! We didn't know you're here!"seulgi said "i also don't expect you guys would be here,and i missed you guys so much too!"i said as i gave them a hug

"how are you and the girls?"chungha unnie asked "we're good and they're also here"i said "oh really? Where are they?"Seulgi asked "follow me"i said as they followed me

"it'so nice to see you girls!"Chungha greets "we are too,what are you guys doing here by the way?" Jennie asked them "we just want to by some new clothes here and hang around"Seulgi said

I,blackpink,Seulgi and Chungha unnie were eating into this fancy restaurant since we missed bonding with each other,they want to have a girls night one day and i agreed from it

"do you guys have special someone or you guys know what i mean?"Chungha unnie asked

Then me and the girls did not speak about it we just stayed silent

"uhm is something wrong girls?"Chungha unnie asked with a concerned look on her face "uhm...we actually have but not anymore..."Jisoo unnie said while her heads down "oh...sorry about that" both seulgi and chungha unnie said

But we're not giving up on finding y/n.

"thank you so much for hanging with us girls hope we met again bye!"Chungha unnie said while seulgi waving at us "bye take care!" we said in unison


"Ughh....Yeji can we go back to the house! Stop acting like a child!"i whined cuz Yeji nonstop playing arcade games at it really pissing me off

"just wait a minute y/n i have to finish this bitch!" she said,then i just wait till she finished her game

"Finally! After 84 years!" (finally i've updated😂)

"thanks for waiting y/n!"Yeji said while hugging my side "whatever let's go back to house i'm really tired rightnow" i said "okay okay i'll drive!" she said as we went to the parking lot and she drives to house

"ugh! I'm so tireeeeed"i whined "*laugh* sorry abou that y/n,i'll make it up to you one day"she said and gives me a smile "yeah okay whatever"i said and rolled my eyes


"Hey Jisoo,we found something"one of my mens says "what is it?"i asked "come with me maam

i follow him and we're now on the meeting room,i saw another one of my men "so what is it?" i asked "take a sit first" he said as i sat beside him "so jisoo look what we found" the other men as he turn the laptop on me,i read what is written on it

"hey jisoo,i want you to know and the girls that y/n is with me,and yeah she's doing fine,i told tou this because i want you to treat her right this time,i know that i really like y/n but i can't do anyting about it because i can see that y/n really miss you guys so much so it says she's still loves all of you and it hurts me because i knew how much she suffer on what you guys did to her cuz i'm the one who comfort her in that time,i hope i made a right decision.You girls can come to my house and talk to y/n :) (random adress)"


"oh god"




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