1-Emperor's Smile

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Lan Wangji moved silently amongst the visitors' quarters. Almost all were occupied, as Cloud Recesses was full to bursting with the convening of the Conference of the Clans. 

It made him uncomfortable having so many people about. He'd volunteered for night guard duty to have an excuse to stay out of their way earlier in the day.  After standing with his uncle and older brother to greet the heads of the other great clans (Wen, Jiang, Jin, and Nie), he'd retreated to his room to 'rest.'

Now almost everyone was in their quarters, and his beloved Cloud Recesses seemed more like the mountain retreat it was designed to be. Cool night air wrapped around him, bringing him closer to the inner peace they all sought to cultivate.

"Is there really anything that you have to do for him?" A woman's shrill screech interrupted his thoughts and his stride.

"You have to preserve your daughter's reputation. You have to purchase a bride for your son, Jiang Cheng. Your real son. Or have you forgotten about him entirely? There is nothing you must do for Wei Wuxian. You took him in as a stray and have fed him, taught him, and clothed him. He is old enough to marry. Let him do it and good riddance."

Lan Wangji's eyes widened. He knew the head of the Jiang clan and his fierce wife, Madame Yu, were in the cabin just ahead. He'd also heard rumors about how Madame Yu favored her own son, Jiang Cheng, over their adopted son, Wei Wuxian. According to his uncle, the Jiang leader, Jiang FangMian, felt rather differently.

There came a man's voice mumbling a response, but Wangji couldn't make it out.

Madame Yu, on the other hand, let loose another tirade. "It cannot be Yanli," she screamed. "You just broke her engagement to Jin Zixuan - the engagement his mother and I'd agreed to years ago. Offering her to the clans for bidding will make her seem like damaged goods. Do you think she could bear it?"

Wangji had heard about this from his uncle, but only in passing. The romantic affairs of the other clans held little interest for him. But it was obvious clan leader Jiang had drawn the obligation to offer a Jiang family cultivator for marriage.

He knew the tradition had remained from ancient days as a way to preserve peace and create unexpected alliances. Still, he felt the whole thing to be a bit unseemly.

"Let him do something for us with that face of his besides beg forgiveness!"

Lan Wangji resumed his patrol, knowing it was impolite to eavesdrop. Their argument had nothing to do with the security of Cloud Recesses.

That thought brought him up short. Or did it?

He'd never met Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, the son and daughter of the Jiang clan leader, had been to Cloud Recesses twice in the past. Some excuse had always been offered for the absence of the adopted son, Wei Wuxian. 

He'd heard that he was strong - a powerful cultivator - but that he lacked discipline and seemed not to pride himself on respectful conduct. 

A sound like falling roof tiles echoed from just up ahead, along the outer wall, and Wangji vaulted up onto the nearest guard tower to see a young man, dressed all in black, scramble up and start walking toward him. His gaze was cast down, and he slowly put one foot in front of the other, clearly trying to maintain his balance.

The wall was at least eight inches thick. It shouldn't have been difficult, but the intruder extended both arms to aide his effort. Wangji noticed two white jars in his right hand. White jars with blue flowers were the signature container for Gusu's signature drink - Emperor's Smile wine. The man was inebriated!

"Stop," Wangji commanded. 

The young man slowly raised his gaze. "Lan Wangji?"

Wangji was certain he'd never met this person, but as the son of one of the major clans, he was well-known to many.

"State your name," he said. On any other occasion, he'd have attacked, but this might be some errant guest. "Entering after nine is a violation of the rules of Cloud Recesses." He looked out over the wall. "So is breaking in."

The young man performed a tottering, exaggerated bow. "Wei Wuxian," he said. "I was just out sampling some of Gusu's finest." He waved the two bottles at Lan Wangji. "Want one? You can take it as my punishment."

So this is the infamous Wei Wuxian, he thought. Consider me underwhelmed. 

What he said was, "Drinking is not permitted in Cloud Recesses." 

At that, Wei Wuxian smiled. And Lan Wangji was forced to do something he rarely did - reconsider. 

"Lan Wangji," he said, still smiling, "you are indeed everything they say you are."

Wangji wasn't so stunned by his smile as to not recognize an insult. He vaulted down onto the wall, drew his sword, and sliced the string that tied the two wine jars together. "Yes, I am," he replied, relishing the injured look on Wei Wuxian's face as one of the jars crashed to the ground.

He'd managed to catch one, which he tucked up under his left arm as he drew his sword with his right. "You owe me for that," he insisted, taking a swipe that came perilously close to Lan Wangji's ear.

Wangji watched as a tiny end from his forehead ribbon fluttered to the ground. His eyes got wide. "You!" he cried, charging at Wei Wuxian in earnest.

They fought, moving back and forth along the top of the wall, and Wangji found himself having to concentrate to dodge Wei Wuxian's thrusts. He hadn't expected them to be so well-matched. Even inebriated, Wei Wuxian could hold his own with him.

And when Wei Wuxian laughed and dropped to the ground, sheathing his sword, Wangji got the distinct impression he hadn't even been really trying. 

"Are you like this at home?" Lan Wangji demanded, floating to the ground to land beside Wei Wuxian. 

"Not always. But you've got to admit, it's a perfect night." Wei Wuxian stepped closer. "Good wine, lovely girls to flirt with in the village, and now an excellent fight with my new friend."

Lan Wangji stepped back. "We are not friends."

"Lan Wangji, oh, Lan Wangji. Of course, we are. We've laughed together, we've fought together. What need have we for courtesy between us? From now on, call me Wei Ying. And I will call you...?"

Lan Wangji just stared at him. What sort of creature is this?

Wei Wuxian laughed again. "That's okay," he said. "I remember now. It's Lan Zhan, right?"

"You may not call me that."

Wei Wuxian stuck out his bottom lip and moved toward him. "But Lan Zhan..." he whined, batting his eyelashes.

"No!" Wangji said, moving back two steps.

Wei Wuxian took advantage of the distance to unstopper the remaining wine jar and guzzle half its contents. "What will that get me in the way of punishment, eh, Lan Zhan?"

"Probably a beating. It's your fourth offense."

Wei Wuxian looked skyward. "Four offenses in as many minutes. Maybe I can get a volume discount?" He grinned as he met Wangji's stern gaze. "What do you think?"

"I think," Lan Wangji replied, remembering Madame Yu's earlier words, "you're going to get what you deserve."

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