4-How to Get a Wife

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Lan Wangji spent most of his time in the Library Pavilion at Cloud Recesses, and that's where he retreated the next morning after calming his mind in the cold spring pool.

Wei Ying's teasing was probably harmless, but the prospect of him winding up a disciple of the Wen clan was not. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it could not be allowed to happen. And he might be the only one who could stop it.

He retrieved all the books he could find on the marriage offering, the rules, and the required rituals. Many hours later, all he had was a headache. His precious books had failed to provide him a better solution to the problem of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying could not be given to the Wen clan. They were too power-hungry, and the addition of Wen Ling was a monstrous unknown. 

Wei Ying would stand tonight as a marriage offering. 

The Lan clan could make the first offer. If the Jiang clan accepted it, the process was over. If not, or if the Lan clan made no offer, then the next chance to bid would be decided by lots between the remaining three clans - Jin, Nie, and Wen.  The Jin clan would pass, as they had just broken their son's engagement with the Jiang sister. That left a 50% chance that Wei Ying would wind up under the control of Wen Rouhan and Wen Ling.

As the clan leader, Lan Xichen would be expected to produce heirs - and act with propriety. With no daughters or first cousins, that left only Lan Wangji, as the second son, who could make an offer for Wei Ying to be his cultivation partner.

He gritted his teeth. Was it too high a price? To be tied to that... hooligan for the rest of his life?


In the center of the Great Hall, Wei Wuxian stood proud, grin fixed in place. No way he would show these people fear, he thought. Or shame. Heaven knew they all thought he had none.

But it stung, he couldn't deny it. To be sold off by your own family. To be ogled and haggled over. That's why he couldn't let Yanli stand here. No way. Anything was better than that. Even if he wound up tied to Wen Ling. 

He could do it. Maybe some good would come of it. Maybe he could be a spy, help the other clans know what the Wens were planning. Maybe he could help Wen Ling come back to himself.

He looked at the man who used to be his friend. They had only been boys when he was taken away - twelve and fifteen, maybe? Wei Wuxian had always been mischievous, but Wen Ling had been bold. And possessive. He and Jiang Chang had come to blows several times over Wen Ling's attitude to Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng had been jealous but also concerned. Wei Wuxian hadn't understood - not until that kiss. Maybe not even then.

He understood now; he wasn't twelve anymore. Wen Ling wanted him. 

But Wen Ling wasn't Wen Ling anymore. Something else was inside of him, something black and twisted. Wei Wuxian was sure of it. 

He was so focused on Wen Ling that he tuned out the "blah-blah" coming from Lan Wangji's uncle. Rules, rules, and more rules, he thought. That's all these Gusu Lan people ever talked about.

Except, it wasn't Lan Qiren talking anymore, he realized. It was Lan Wangji. He heard gasps from some of the less disciplined spectators and turned to see what he'd missed. 

Lan Wangji was standing beside his Uncle, who looked like he'd swallowed a frog. Lan Wangji put a hand gently on the older man's elbow and nodded, whispering something not for the crowd to hear. 

Wei Wuxian was wracking his brain to try to get it to tell him what Lan Wangji had said. Perhaps his confusion showed on his face because Lan Wangji looked at him, frowned, and then repeated himself. "I, Lan Wangji, of the Gusu Lan clan, am prepared to make an offer to the Jiang clan to partner with Wei Wuxian."

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