16-Drinking Vinegar

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Wei Ying woke to an empty bed and sunlight streaming in. He looked around for Lan Zhan but realized he must have risen hours earlier.

Something else we don't have in common.

He made for the library, vowing to do exactly what he was supposed to be doing - learning about the history of the Lan clan. At least that's finally gotten interesting, he thought.


He was surprised not to see Lan Zhan at meal time. 

"Where's the Lord of Light?" he asked Sizhui, nodding his head at Lan Zhan's empty seat.

Sizhui smiled when he got his meaning. "What a good name for him!"

Wei Ying rolled his eyes. This kid.

"He is helping Jinling," Sizhui supplied. "They are still at the training ground."

"Ah," he said, as if satisfied. But he wasn't. He didn't like the idea of Lan Zhan spending time alone with Jinling. That boy definitely had ideas in his head.


He reached the training ground just in time to see Lan Zhan reach around Jinling's body to grab his sword arm. He led him slow-motion through a complicated series of parries and thrusts.

Wei Ying drew his sword as he approached. "Practice on me," he called out, moving to stand opposite. "I'll give you some motivation."

Jinling sneered at him. "You as a teacher?" He shook his head. 

"I'll give you three tries," Wei Ying replied. "If you don't get it in three, you're going to get cut by Suibian here." He waved his sword around in the air, then stilled it and glared at Jinling. "You should be flattered that I think you can learn so quickly."


Lan Zhan stepped back and watched Wei Ying fight. All business while Jinling came at him, then whacking him on the bottom with his sword when he messed up. 

Jinling grew more and more enraged, of course, but Wei Ying pointed out every correction he needed to make.

The third time around, Jinling still wavered, and Wei Ying's sword wound up at his throat. 

"You're dead, Jinling." Wei Ying's gaze and words conveyed a level of menace Lan Zhan had never seen from him.

He felt his breath catch. It was too bad Wei Ying was so seldom serious. Because serious Wei Ying was... very tempting.

Lo and behold, on the fourth try, Jinling executed the move flawlessly.


"Master Wei." Sizhui approached just as Jinling was leaving and called out to Wei Ying. "You have visitors."

"Me?" Wei Ying looked surprised.

Sizhui nodded. "Your brother and Young Master Nie have come."

Wei Ying broke into a huge grin and started jogging toward Sizhui. 

Lan Zhan followed, but not quickly and not smiling.


Wei Ying charged up to the top of the enormous rock and threw himself into the cold water below, splashing Jiang Cheng in the process.

"Wei Wuxian!" he cried when Wei Ying surfaced. He lunged at his brother and tried to force his head underwater.

"Eh, eh, stop," Nie Huaisang told them. "We didn't come for you two to fight."

Wei Ying flipped onto his back. "Why did you come?" he asked. "It couldn't have been just to bring my things."

Jiang Cheng snorted. "I figured Lan Wangji would be regretting you by now. If I'm here, he can discreetly ask for his money back."

Wei Ying put his hand on his chest in mock injury. "He wouldn't!"

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "He's way out of your league."

Wei Ying looked to his friend. "Are you not going to defend me?"

Nie Huaisang hesitated. "Uh... don't take this the wrong way. I mean, there's no one I'd rather be in trouble with than you, Wei Wuxian, but... trouble does seem to follow you around."

"Well, maybe Lan Wangji thinks he could use a little trouble in his life? Did you ever think of that?"

"No!" Both boys shouted it at him, and Jiang Cheng started a splash war that turned into a chase and took them around the entire pool.


Lan Wangji arrived to see Wei Ying and his friends horsing around. Laughter filled the air, and again he was beset by mixed feelings. Wei Ying was happy. That was good.

Wei Ying was happy without him. That was... not good?

He turned and left them to it, knowing his presence would be an intrusion.


They dried themselves and caught their breath on top of the rock Wei Ying had jumped from earlier. 

"Wei Wuxian," Jiang Cheng said.

"Jiang Cheng," Wei Ying echoed, thinking they were still playing.

"You need to be careful."

Wei Ying sat up. "I wish people would stop saying that." He got to his feet and began to dress. "What do you think I need to be careful of? Do tell me."

Jiang Cheng sat up, surprised. "I'm serious, Wei Wuxian. That's why I came. There have been ravens seen at Lotus Pier every day since we got back."

Wei Ying stilled his hands after tying his belt. 

"I saw them, too," Nie Huaisang said. "You know Wen Clan has mages that use ravens."

"And they didn't bring any message," Jiang Cheng said. "So they were either spying or looking for someone."

Wen Ling. Looking for him. They didn't need to spell it out.

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