Bonus Chapter: Forget Me Not - Part 2 (of 3)

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Their arrival into Lotus Pier might have been met with some fanfare, but Wei Ying steered the wagon into the interior of the Jiang compound. His father and siblings were there to meet him.

Lan Xichen paid them a quick greeting, and Wei Ying forestalled their hugs to explain what had happened to Lan Zhan. Jiang Cheng barked out a laugh, and Yanli walloped him on the arm. "Cheng Cheng!" she scolded.

Lan Xichen and Jiang FangMeng helped Lan Zhan out of the wagon and steered him to a guest room.

"Guess you'll be back in your old room tonight?" Jian Cheng asked.

Wei Ying scowled. "Looks that way. If step-mother hasn't burned it down yet?"


As it turned out, his old room was exactly the way he'd left it, except... cleaner. He was touched that his family was keeping a home for him here. There were even a couple of spare sets of clothes, so he decided to change from his Gusulan robes back into his old red and black.

Then he set out to find where they'd stashed his forgetful husband.


When he entered, Lan Zhan was balking at taking his robes off in front of Wen Qing.

"Wei Wuxian," she said on a gasp, turning as he came through the door. He saw her shoulders relax. "It's good to see you again."

He smiled. "You, too, Wen Qing. How is he?"

She bit her lip. "Do you mean Lan Wangji or... my cousin?"

He looked over her shoulder to where Lan Zhan sat glaring at him. "Since I can see Lan Zhan is being a bad patient, how's your cousin?"

"He's well. He came with us, actually. I know there are some things he'd like to say to you."

"He's here?" Wei Ying exclaimed. "That's great! I wasn't sure how long it would take him to recover."

Lan Xichen coughed, and Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan and scratched his head. "As for this one, I put protective wards on him, which is why he doesn't have a four-inch hole in his side anymore. But the head wound hasn't improved, and that has me a bit worried."

"You put what? where?" Lan Zhan demanded.

"Relax, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said. "I know a little magic. It probably saved your life today. Why so grouchy?"

Lan Zhan began stripping off his top layers. "Where is it?"

Wei Ying walked over to him and waited until he had disrobed to his chest. "Well, you can't see them, but she needs to check your wound, so just let her now that you're naked."

"Where?" Lan Zhan demanded again.

Wei Ying rolled his eyes, stepped closer, and waved his hand across Lan Zhan's chest - not touching it, but close enough to activate the wards he'd drawn. As his palm passed in front of them, each of the twelve designs glowed red and then faded. "Happy now?" he asked.

Wen Qing had moved to Lan Zhan's side and was examining his wound. "This looks good," she said. "It may not even scar. But you say there's a head injury?"

Lan Wangji slipped his outer robe back on and then bent to show her the lump on his head.

Wei Ying was watching her fingers gingerly assess the damage when something occurred to him. "Huh," he said. "I wonder if the forehead ribbon interfered with the wards?"

Wen Qing looked at him, then over to Lan Xichen. "Is it enchanted?"

He nodded. "Only slightly - it gives admission to Cloud Recesses and protects the wearer from ... ah, magical influence."

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