He's Back

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Hello my loyal readers! If you are reading this THANK YOU! Thank you for being patient and thank you for giving this story a try! Please keep reading on and I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it! Don't give up just keep reading just keep reading (insert Dory from finding Nemo voice here lol) Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter so I can be motivated and inspired to get the next chapter out sooner! If you didn't enjoy it that's okay too just please no negativity in the comments! Kindness goes much further!

Much Love- Kayla<3

"Hahaha Rico that lasted like five seconds!" I gasped through an uncontrollable fit of laughter. My sides were clenching with pain from laughing so hard. Rico was currently trying to snort milk up his nose with a straw...idiot. Sometimes I question myself of my current friend choices but I wouldn't trade these morons for anything.

"He's used to disappointing women aren't ya Rico?" A guy named Scott from our team smacked him on the back before plopping down beside Rico smirking as he dug into his lunch like a rabid animal. Rico picked up his carton of milk and chugged the rest of it and then let out a hearty burp, one so loud the whole table paused what they were doing and turned their attention towards him with looks of amazement on their faces. Guys can be so disgusting. 

"Oh gross I'm going to be sick!" I gagged covering my mouth. Rico had a smile the size of Texas planted across his face with milk dripping from his nostrils. I pushed the button on my phone camera to stop recording, the last thing I wanted is more proof of this disaster. Rico stood about five foot eleven, he's thin but muscular at the same time. His brown eyes are the color of milk chocolate. For someone who eats the way he does it's a wonder he isn't fat.

"Patterson you burp all the time! Now you want to act like a girl because of one little burp?" Rico gasped patting his hand over his heart as if my words had hurt him. Out of all the guys on the team he is one of the ones that I am the closest too, other than Shawn.

"It's not the burp itself that bothered me it's the fucking smell! Seriously what did you eat? It smells like rotten meat!" 

"She's right it smells like something died in your intestines and is slowly crawling out. Don't do that shit again bro." Shawn shuttered in disgust. Shawn has blonde shaggy hair that he usually has a stretch headband pushing it back showing off his piercing green eyes. He is the tallest of the whole team standing at six foot seven, seriously the dude is a giant and one of my very best friends.

This is nothing new, the burps, the farts, the talking about who banged who and what girls at our school are the best lays and the worst. Perks of hanging out with all the guys on the soccer team. Over the past four years these guys have became more than friends, the're family. Most I've known since elementary school and some I met freshman year but either way I love them all like they are my brothers and they treat me like I'm one of their sisters.

"Did you record it? Send it to me I want to upload it to my Facebook!" Rico gushed with excitement radiating off of him. I quickly unlocked my phone and sent him the video and watched him watch it back to back to back laughing harder and harder each time until tears were filling his eyes and streaming down his face.

"Rico I just watched your video you uploaded, you're disgusting." My best friend in the entire world Reagan, waltzed into the cafeteria carrying her salad in hand. She took a seat next to me and opened the plastic container. Her perfectly straight blonde hair goes to her mid back. Her blue eyes have a way of drawing you in. Her and I are night and day opposites. She's girly, bubbly, happy all the damn time, worries about fashion and gossip and eats healthy meanwhile I don't care about any of that. I'm the "tomboy" everyone calls me that. Just because I don't wear dresses or makeup I'm a tomboy? It bothers me when people call me that because sure I don't know name brand designers or paint my nails but I'm still a girl.

"Babe you know you like it, just admit it." Rico shoots her a dazzling smile showing off his bright white teeth leaning in closer to her from across the table which she seems unfazed by.

"In your dreams Martinez." Reagan took a bite of her salad while rolling her eyes his direction mixed her salad like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"You're damn right, I dream about you the time and what that smart mouth of yours can do..."

"Oh it can do plenty but only in your dreams because if you think you'll ever actually know then you're as delusional as everyone knows you are." She fires back like the little firecracker she is. They banter all the time back and forth, how they haven't given into one another is beyond me.

"One day babe, one day. You just wait." Rico shook his head with a bound and determined look on his face. This guy has had the hots for her since seventh grade and everyone know it, even she knows it. 

"Yeah I'll hold my breath and when pigs fly I'll give you the time of day but maybe from lack of oxygen I'll die before the pigs fly and we will never have to find out." The whole table busted into fits of laughter making Rico narrow his big brown eyes at her. Reagan took a bit of her salad not bothered one bit.

"Damn babe, your words wound me." He rubbed his heart softly and I have to admit I feel bad for the guy. He's attractive and funny yet the girl he crushes on finds him repulsive that definitely must dent someone's ego. Hell my ego would suffer miserably if those words were directed at me.

"Yo Patterson wanna have a cookie eating contest?" Rico suggested challenging me as if to change the subject. Anyone who knows me knows I never say no to a challenge or a dare, it goes against everything in my nature.

"Rico remember what happened last time? You only ate half as many as I did and fucking puked chocolate chip cookies all over the damn table. If you want to embarrass yourself then by all means let's do it."

"I swallowed a cookie whole! I almost died!" He gasped and pulled a Family Size package of Oreos out of his backpack and separated the whole package into even two stacks each containing twenty four cookies. I pushed my tray away preparing myself to kick his ass. I was in competitive mode, nothing or no one could stop me when I get in my zone.

"Oh calm down drama queen!" I gasped and pulled my stack of cookies closer to my body making sure each row was even.

"Okay on my count I'll start recording and yell 'Go' the first one to clear their stack wins!" Reagan took her phone out and opened the camera and started recording.

"One! Two! Three! GO!!" She yelled and I locked eyes with Rico our eyes mirroring determination. We each grabbed a cookie and shoved it into our mouths chewing it halfway before inserting another and then another.

"Dude she is kicking your ass!" Ryan started laughing. Ryan is about six foot even with brown hair and honey brown eyes with freckles splashed across his face. He is the buffest on the whole team because he also plays football so he is in the best shape out of all of us.

Rico's eyes zeroed in on mine as if to distract me or intimidate me. He grabbed two cookies and shoved them in his mouth barley chewing before shoving another two in. He is biting off more than he can chew, literally chunks of cookies flying out of his mouth with every bite he takes. Amateur.

About halfway through with my stack I noticed Rico's eyes widen, the regret noticeable in them but he won't back down. He will puke before he backs down. He grabbed another cookie with shaking hands.

Our eyes still locked on one another. The whole cafeteria had gathered around our table watching the scene unfold. I counted his cookies he still had eight cookies to go and I only had six. I watched him start shoving two in his mouth before he starts gagging I grabbed my cookies and stood up knowing what was about to happen. Within seconds he turned to the side and puked up every cookie and even his lunch all over the ground. I finished the last of my cookies and started jumping up and down ignoring my stomach screaming in pain.

"I win! Martinez when will you learn not to challenge me? You will never win." I smirked at him to which he groaned and flipped me off. Reagan stopped recording and went back to eating her rabbit food aka salad.

"So guess whose back..." She spoke between taking bites of her lunch changing the subject from the nastiness that was around us. How can she still eat with throw up right there like that? I am weird and even I couldn't do that.

"Who?" I asked turning my attention towards her ignoring the mess as best as I could.

"Sergio Gonzalez."

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