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School sucks. That's one thing that just about every student can agree with. And Lee Felix is no different. Especially when his cousin screams in his ear to wake him up.

"Lee Felix I will not hesitate to smack you awake." Minho flares down at the sleeping boy.

Felix groans and sits up. "Minho I'm up. Jesus fucking Christ." His cousin just snickers and runs out of the room, not forgetting to close the door. The young Australian sighs and rubs his head as he tries to find out what to wear for school. He hurried down to the kitchen and grabs some toast, groaning once more when Minho shouts at him.

"Come on! We need to hurry!!"

"Shut the frick up! I'm coming!" Felix says as he meets Minho at the doorway.

They head over to Jisung's house to pick him up. They wait patiently as they can hear the squirrel faced boy running around his house. After a few minutes, the three boys are walking towards their school. They enter the gates as they talk about complete nonsense.

"I am fucking telling you, my second toe is longer than my big toe. Wanna fucking see it Lee Felix?"

"No Han Jisung I don't want to see your goddamn toes. I don't have a foot fetish unlike you."

Jisung gags. "Ew what the fuck-"

"Hyungs!" Before Jisung can finish, their young friend Jeongin comes running through the gates behind them. The three boys turn and smiles at their cute friend.

"Ah Jeonginnie glad you're here, please tell your hyung to stop talking about toes." Minho says as they all walk to their lockers. Jeongin laughs as he slightly scolds Jisung.

"Felix what do you have first?"

"How the frick should I know?" Felix raises a brow at his cousin.

Minho rolls his eyes and makes Felix take out his timetable.

"Oh.." The Australian pauses to look at the paper. "I have social and logistical studies?" Minho raises a brow before walking off with Jeongin to their classes.

"What the actual fuck is that?" Jisung asks, closing his locker.

"Not sure...I guess it's my new college course. Just got it this trimester." Felix says as him and Jisung walk down the halls, only to separate at the end of the hallway into their respective classes.

Felix was honestly getting tired of the school putting him in all AP or College classes. He rarely got to see his friends during class. Like yeah, he's smart but come on. The only time he really got to see his friends was in dance class, it was part of his art elective and Felix was quite grateful for it. Him, Jisung, and Minho all had it together and it was a good class, except for the fact that the most obnoxious person was in it as well. Bang Christopher Chan, the one person Felix never wants to get involved with.

Sighing, Felix enters his classroom and slips into his seat at the back, undetected by anyone. More students started to file into the classroom, taking their self chosen seats and waiting for the teacher, Mr. Jung, to come in.

"Good morning class." Their teacher smiles brightly, the students respond with much less enthusiasm. "Ok let's jump right in! Please all take your seats. Today we have a special guest coming in to talk to you about sociology." Mr. Jung says as he writes the word out on the whiteboard. Under that he writes out a name. "And our guest speaker is J. Y. Park." The door opens to reveal a 47 year old man with crescent shaped eyes and spikey hair. Felix immediately recognized him as one of the biggest CEO's in Korea.

J.Y. Park continued to talk and talk and eventually it left Felix in a dazed state of mind. So much so that he didn't even notice that class had ended until he heard the door shut as their guest speaker left the room.

Felix sighed as he walked out of the room to go to his locker to check his schedule. He runs his finger down the piece of paper taped to his locker door.

'Let's see...uhm...Aha! Next class is...AP English. Well that's fucking easy." Felix continues his way towards his classroom, meeting up with Jackson Wang on the way.

"Felix! What is up my aussie bro?" Jackson's slings his arm over Felix's shoulder roughly.

Felix rolls his eyes. "God Jackson, do you really have to call me Aussie Bro?"

"Well you're my bro and your australian," the chinese boy says as they sit down. "It makes sense to me." Jackson gives the freckled boy a lopsided grin as their teacher walks in.

Felix blocks out the noise of Jackson's blabbering and takes the time to look around the classroom. His eyes narrow when he sees a familiar head of blonde curly hair. How Bang Chan was in this class was beyond Felix, but it made a bit of sense seeing as the older male was also Australian.

"Hello!" Their teacher walks in, just as cheery as the previous class. The students groan but greet him back. "That's the energy I like! Now, on with today's lesson; analyzing and forming parsimonious sentences."

The class groans as they take out their textbooks. All of them undeniably not ready for this new lesson.

Felix jumps slightly when he feels a paper ball hit his head. The young boy sighs and gives Chan the middle finger and pretends to gag himself with it. Chan just snickers and continues to try and get a reaction from Felix, although his success was low. He decides to flirt with the girl next to him.

As the bell rings (RING RING RING..Sorry ;D) Felix scurries out of class, not even waiting for Jackson to try and follow. The young boy quickly dashes to his next class, which, thank the fucking lords, was dance. He meets up with Jisung and Minho along the way.

"So how was your 'social and logistical studies' class?" Jisung says to Felix as he uses air quotations.

"Ugh it was boring, we had a guest speaker and I kinda zoned out for the whole class." He laughs as the three boys enter the dance studio. They continue to talk about random nonsense as the rest of the class comes in. Finally their teacher joins them.

"OK everyone, please take a seat on the floor, we have a new student. He is transferring from another arts elective in the school so please teach him well and let's hope he can dance!" Hoseok says clapping excitedly as the boy walks in.

All three of Felix, Jisung, and Minho give a collective sigh as they realize who it is. The blonde hair, the stocky build, the dimples, and most importantly, the smirk. Lee Felix hated that smirk, it freaked him out. Especially because of who it belonged to...

Bang fucking Chan.

Hi yes here is the "new and improved" (not really) book :)
I'm so sorry for the wait :(

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