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That night after dinner, Minho drags Felix into his room, sitting them both on the bed.

"You have Hyunjin's number right?"

"Yeah, I think Jisung or Chan gave it to me. Why?"

"Ask if we can all facetime."

"Ok..." Felix gives his cousin a confused look, but takes out his phone nonetheless.


Wassup felix

Minho wants to know if u can ft

Yeah sure gimme a sec



"He says to wait a sec." As soon as Felix finishes his sentence, his phone starts ringing. He picks up and Hyunjin's face appears on the screen.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Hyunjin asks smiling.

"Well..." Minho starts, trying his best to contain his excitement. "So you remember when I walked out on y'all today, right?"

"How could we forget.." Felix rolls his eyes.

"Quiet Felix, I wanna hear the story." Hyunjin shushes him.

"Anyways, Jisung came and followed me to you know, cheer me up or some shit, right?" Felix and Hyunjin nod their heads. "Well, remember when I was going crazy because I realized I like him and I wasn't sure what to do and then you guys were there with me and it was all like wild and stuff?"

"Oh yeah! We were teasing you so bad." Hyunjin starts laughing. Felix joins him.

"Oh shut up! Well, today...when we were walking...I-"

"Don't tell me.."

"Did you actually?"




"GOD! Ack I know right! It was like a dream come true! I wish I could relive that moment forever and ever!" Minho starts rolling around on his bed, hugging his pillow and squealing. Felix turns the phone so Hyunjin can see all the commotion.

"Oh my god, hyung, chill out. Now tell us what happened next."

"Right right," Minho gains his composure and continues on. "So then I was all like, 'nah your lying' and he was all like 'really then how about this?' AND THEN HE KISSED ME! HE FUCKING KISSED ME GUYS AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER! LIKE Y'ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW!"

"Oh my god, dude. That's-that's great." Felix smiles genuinely.

"YES I SHIP IT!" Hyunjin yells through the phone.

"WHAT? Yeah...right sorry mom! No yelling.." Hyunjin turns to his friends, smiling and laughing.

"Oh my god dude did you really yell that loud that your mom heard you?" Hyunjin only laughs in response.

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