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Day 2...

"Hi sir, you wanted to see me?" Felix asks as he enters Min Yoongi's office.

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about how you're feeling on all this. So I brought in the school counselor, Jeong Yunho."

"Hi there Felix! Remember me from the first day of freshman year?" Felix only nods and sits in the chair.

"So how are you feeling? How's your packing going?"

"My packing is fine, I just need to fill up a few more boxes then I'm good." Mr. Jeong smiles and Yoongi leaves the office, apparently he was on break.

"Good good, but how are you feeling?"

"I- I don't know. There are just so many unknown variables that are going into this, that I'm not sure how to feel. I mean, obviously I'm sad to be leaving; but like...I'm curious to go back and see all my friends again. See my dad and family again. I just- I don't know." Felix says quietly. "I want to cry, but I can't. I've wasted all my tears in the past few days. But I think what's making it really hard, is the fact that I'm leaving the person I love."

"Who? Minho?"

"I mean yeah, but not him. It's Chan."


"Mhm." Felix nods. Yunho smiles at this.

"As you know Felix, this school is 1 of 2 buildings. This is the high school, and then we have the middle school. Before I was here, I was a counselor at the middle school. I remember when Chan was the new kid, so goofy and kind. He was the perfect child, and honestly, my favorite. He was never discouraged or put down, and he was always smiling. He would come to me every day at lunch, and we would just talk. I don't know what happened over the summer, but when he went off to the high school, he was different. A year later I was moved here, and he never even acknowledged me. So it's good to see him acting like himself again. I know that fuckboy attitude-"

"Mr. Jeong!"

"Oh please you curse worse than I do. Anyways, I knew that wasn't him. So I'm glad he's smiling genuinely again. "

"I- thank you Mr. Jeong."

"Please, call me hyung."

"Alright, hyung. Thank you."

"Anytime Felix. I'm always here for you. Now it's time for your second period class, what do you have?"

'"Lemme check..." Felix says pulling out his phone. "Ah, I have AP Calculus."

"Well you better hurry then." Yunho smiles and playfully shoves Felix out of the office.

"By hyung!" And with that, Felix is already feeling a bit better.


"Are they asleep?"

"I- I think so.."

"Ahaha look, they're all tangled together."

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