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Less than 1 Week until Felix leaves...

"Hey babes." Chan says, slinging his arm around his young friend.

"Chan I will scream rape if you continue with that." Felix says groggily.

"Ahaha ok ok fine." Chan laughs and takes his arm off the younger, " Anyways, did you get like, any sleep last night?"

"No, I've been packing my shit. Trying to clear everything out." Felix says, stopping at his locker to put some books away.

"Oh...you leave on Sunday right?"

"Unfortunately." Felix sighs and closes his locker. Chan nods his head as the two boys start walking towards the school exit. Jisung and Minho join them.

"Hey guys."

"Yo." Chan throws up a peace sign.

"Where we walking?"

"Don't know, I'm just following Felix."

"Ok, where are you going Felix?" Minho turns to his cousin.

"Dance studio.."

"Ooh can we join?" The four boys turn to find Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin following behind them.

"Sure, I don't mind. You guys haven't seen it yet have you?"

"Nah, Minho is the only one." Seungmin says.

"Hmm." The now 7 boys continue walking.

Eventually they all make it, and somehow Changbin joined them along the way.

"Hey Mo."

"Hey Lix...and company?"

"These are my friends. You can introduce yourself guys, while I sign in."

"Hi guys, I'm the owner of this 'establishment', but you can call me Momo, or as Lixie says, 'Mo'." She smiles and quickly learns everyone's names. Felix rejoins the little group.

"Ok well Imma go dance so I don't know if you all want to stay or leave or..."

"Well me and seungminnie have to go because we have a thing planned-"

"I get to meet his parents!"

"Ah nice, have fun then." The couple smile and leave the studio. Hyunjin and Changbin both said that they gotta go study so they leave as well. Felix understands but is still saddened by everyone having to go.

If he was being honest, no matter how many smiles he lets onto his face, he was very sad. He was hoping everyone would want to hang out at least once before he left but they all just seem to be acting as if they don't care. The only one really paying attention to him was Chan, and it was confusing the shit outa him. It started off with the pet names, then it grew into affection, and it was just confusing the younger so much. He didn't know what to do about his new feelings. He wasn't sure if Chan was just playing with him or if there was some history behind his actions. All in all, he really needed to dance.

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