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"What do you mean your leaving!?" Jisung yells at his friend as they sit down for lunch at Woojin's cafe. Thankfully Nayeon was on a break and she could sit with them.

"Jisung, please, scream louder. I don't think they heard you in America." Felix says rolling his eyes.

"Sorry sorry, but- you like just got here!"

"Jisung, trust me, if anyone is disappointed, it's me. It hurts knowing that I could only spend my high school years with you guys. But this doesn't mean that we'll lose touch ok?" Felix tries his best to reassure his panicking friend.

"Damn." Jisung looks away and Nayeon speaks up.

"Felix, we will miss you. But please come back to us, when all this blows over." She clasps her hands together, worry lacing her eyes.

"I will, or I'll try to at least. But it's not like I'm leaving tomorrow! Let's just enjoy the time I have left here. Alright?" The other boys just nod their heads. The doorbell rings and in come a few other students, including Jeongin and Seungmin.

"Guys! Over here!" Minho calls.

"Hi hyungs! Sorry we're late, Mrs. Kim kept us a bit." Jeongin chuckles as he and Seungmin sit.

"It's ok."

"So what did you guys want to talk about?" Seungmin asks.


"Felix is leaving." Jisung finishes for him.


"At the end of this trimester I'm going back to Australia." Felix clarifies.


"Wish I could tell you, but my dad hasn't said anything, other than it's about my mom, although I'm assuming it's the trial."

"Oh my god. Felix.." Seungmin raises his hand to his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah. But I like I said earlier, I'm leaving at the end of this trimester so we have some time. Let's just enjoy senior year ok? And I'll be back when this all blows over. It's not goodbye, it's just a..." Felix takes a pause as he tries to think of something to say. "...See you later. Yeah it's just a 'see you later'."

"Well, as much as I would love to continue talking guys, it's time for you all to get back to school. But let's all hang around again soon yeah?" Nayeon says softly. The others nod and get up and leave the small cafe.

The 5 boys walk towards their respective classes, for Jeongin that meant English. For Seungmin, it was Algebra 3. Jisung, Minho, and Felix all had dance.

The three seniors walk along the hallway as Hyunjin and Chan meet up with them at the corner.

"Yo yo yo dance bro." Chan says annoyingly brightly. Felix sighs.

"Hey guys." Hyunjin says, more normally than his friend. Jisung smiles as they all enter the dance room.

"Hello everyone! Hope you all are filled from lunch. Today is the start of the final week for your project. So please be productive and get as much work done as possible! Have fun and good luck!" Hoseok says smiling.

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