Part 1

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*3rd person Phil*

"Will Phillip Lester please come to the headmasters office? Once again, will Phillip Lester please come to the headmasters office."

The whole class joined in on 'ooh'ing as Phil stood up and walked out of the classroom. His mind was racing, thinking of what the headmaster was going to bust him for. He hadn't done anything bad... Or at least he thought he hadn't.

Maybe he was caught breaking a rule he hadn't known about. His train of thought was brought to an immediate stop when he saw a brown haired boy sitting in her office. The door was open and the two were sitting in a thick silence that Phil could feel from where he stood. Headmaster Becky looked over towards Phil and a huge smile spread across her face.

She waved him over and he quickly obliged and headed towards her office. When he stepped inside he was met with a smile from her and a death glare from the boy he recognized as Daniel Howell, the school punk.

Phil sat in the chair next to Dan after closing the door. "I bet you two are wondering why I called you both up here." Headmaster Becky stated looking from Phil to Dan.

"Well I walked in late today and you practically dragged me in here. So I'm guessing that's why I'm here... As for this meat sack," Dan pointed his thumb at Phil, "I'm not exactly sure."

"Well you constantly being late is one reason why Phil is up here." She began, "Phil dear, I would like for you to help Dan become a better student... Get better grades, be on time more often than not... The whole nine yards."

Phil looked at Dan who had the same death glare on his face as before. He had heard rumors about Dan being gay and making out with one of the old students from last year that had graduated. Phil wasn't sure whether to believe it or not but he did know one thing to believe... That Dan Howell was not looking forward to being babysat by a 'meat sack'.

"Uh-uh-uhm... Sure thing Headmaster." Phil finally answered, which earned him a quick shove of the leg with Dan's as he felt his glare become even more deadly. "When Does this start exactly?" Phil questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Why today of course!" The Headmaster mused. She stood up and opened the door. "Dan, all your classes have been switched to Phil's and if we see you without him at any time within the next semester then you are to be paired with me all day for the rest of the year... Do I make myself clear?"

Dan grumbled at the thought of having that old hag watching his every move. He looked towards Phil then back at the headmaster, "Yes sir." He said as he stood up with a devilish smile that made Phil smile a small smile.

They walked from her office back to Phil's maths class. It was almost lunch time so Dan and Phil took their time walking back. Phil wanted to break the silence that was slowly building between them but he didn't know how to talk to him.

"You know we aren't friends right?" Dan said, breaking the silence. "Uh-uh-uhm... Yes sir." Phil responded looking at the ground. How am I supposed to make him a better student if he hates me? Phil thought to himself.

Dan stifled a laugh which made Phil look up at the slightly taller male. Dan looked back with deep brown eyes that made Phil loosen up a little. Dan quickly looked away, but not before Phil noticed the blush that had formed in his cheeks. In return, heat had rushed to Phil's cheeks. It took the rest of the time back to class for them to finally look at each other and then walk into class.

The class stared in awe at the two boys that walked in together. Small whispers spread through the class. "Quiet!" The teacher shouted, "Dan take a seat in the back. Tomorrow Tina and Phil will switch seats. For homework you will h-"

Phil had tuned out the teacher. He had a million thoughts pounding through his head. Just two minutes ago he had been a normal, teenage, secondary school student and now he was a mentor for someone older than him... And more attractive Phil thought. Wait... Why am I thinking about how attractive he is?

Phil had been questioning his sexuality since year 6 when he was first attracted to a guy in his English class but last summer he had decided he was straight. He and Tina had been dating for 4 months until they broke it off when she was sure that he wasn't into girls. But he had to be! His mum and dad had taught him from a young age that homosexuality was wrong and should never be practiced.

The bell rang and Phil walked to the back of the classroom to Dan. They walked out to lunch and talked the whole time. Dan was mostly listening to Phil complain about some teacher to watch out for. The bell rang and they headed to music class.

Class was over sooner than expected. Phil found Dan and they started to leave when the teacher stopped Dan.

"Mister Howell... May I just say I am thrilled to have you in my class." The teacher told the brown haired boy. "You came in a little late in the year but we would still love to welcome you into our cla-"

"Save it." Dan snapped at the teacher. "You and everyone else in this school would be so much happier if I weren't here. So just tell your lies to someone who'll believe them." The teacher stood there in disbelief as Dan stormed off. Phil muttered a quick apology and then caught up to Dan who had just walked out the door.

"Dan!" Phil shouted, trying to catch up. "Dan wait up!" Dan turned on him.

"You need to just leave me alone!" Dan shouted at the height of his fury. "Why can't anybody see that I just want to be left alone!" Phil grabbed Dan's wrist and yanked him out of the hallway and into a deserted room.

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