Part 6

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*3rd Person Dan*

Dan stepped out of the shower, slipping a little from the water that had sprayed on the floor. He turned to the mirror, noticing his hair somehow looked worse that before his shower. /Good thing I have extra time this morning/ he thought.

He was walking back to his room when he heard the song "What Makes You Beautiful", his ringtone, go off. He rushed into his room.

It was Phil.

Oh god oh god oh GOD! What am I supposed to do? Should I answer it? Or let him leave a voicemail? Why is he calling at 6:45 in the morning? Dan thought, pacing back and forth through his room.

He reached out for his phone right when it stopped ringing.

"Fucking shit!" Dan screams as he grabs his phone and chucks it at a pillow, "God! Phil! Please call back. I need you to call back.

Almost as if it were meant to be his phone stayed silent. God I'm so stupid! Why did I even have to shower? I don't need to be clean. GOD! he scolded himself. "I'm s-"


His ringtone blared from his phone speakers. Dan answered the phone as quickly as he could. "Hello?" He answered, trying to sound normal. "Hey.. Uhm.. Do you wanna ditch today?" Dan looked at the phone. It was Phil.. "My parents would have to call the school. Otherwise Headmaster Hag gets to babysit me instead of you."

"Tell them you don't feel well." Phil said quietly. Dan could here his terrible fake coughing through the phone. He wants to ditch school.. With me. I must be dreaming.

"Yeah mum. My stomach hurts. No don't worry about me. Just make sure you call the school. I don't wanna worry Headmaster Ha-Becky"

Dan stifled a laugh. She'll never buy it. "Okay philly. I hope you feel better soon." She bought it.. Of course. He heard the door close and Phil mess with his phone. "Alright.. Your turn." Phil said.

Dan sighed. "MUM!" Dan screamed as he pretended to have a really bad cough. "DANNY?! DANNY, ARE YOU OKAY?!" She said, running into his room. Dan had laid down on the bed whilst she had been getting to his room.

"My stomach and head hurt so much!" Dan whined.

"Must be something in the family. Your brother just complained about the same thing. I'll call you both in sick." His mum explained, "your father and I still have to go to work though."

"It's fine. I just don't want to get anyone at school sick. Enough of them hate me already." Dan "explained".

"Of course. Well we'll be back later. Stay in bed okay?"

"Sure thing. Love you mum." Damn, I'm going all out for this kid. Better make it worth my time.

"Love you too Danny." And with that she shut his door behind her.

"This better be worth it!" Dan yelled into the phone after he heard the front door shut to the three bedroom condo they lived in.

"It will be! This isn't your first time faking sick is it?"

"Nope. You think I just ditched? Well sometimes I did but that's beside the point." Dan said to a very ecstatic Phil.

"Meet up with me at the Starbucks in town!" Phil said and then hung up the phone.

"Well I'm fucked." Dan said nonchalantly and walked over to his door. He walked to his brothers room, "Playin' hooky today?" Dan questioned the younger boy on the bed.

"Yeah. You gonna rat me out?" Adrian said to his elder brother who had leaned against the door jam.

"What? And get myself caught too? No way!" Dan said, laughing through the end of the sentence.

"Who you going to see?" Adrian asked his brother, somehow, already knowing the answer.

"Your girlfriend." Dan said, suddenly serious.

Adrian's face flushed, "Wh-wh-why?" Adrian stammered with the single word.

"She wanted to know what a real man was like." Dan answered, just as seriously as before.

"Sh-she never said that we'd be meeting up w-with you too today. And what does she mean? 'A real man?'" Adrian replied, a little scared of the face Dan was making.

"She didn't tell you?" Dan asked, "I'm going to meet up with Phil and that's how you get information out of someone." Dan smirked as he saw his brothers worried look be taken over by anger.

"YOU DOUCHE!" Adrian screamed, "Why didn't you just ask who I was meeting up with?" Adrian questioned Dan.

"Cuz I needed to teach you a lesson." Dan replied simply, "Alright see ya later kid!"

"Wait! Who's Phil?!" Adrian yelled after his brother.

"That guy. He called me this morning asking if I wanted to ditch. So we are. And once again I say.. See ya later kid."

And with that, Dan left his brothers room to go meet up with Phil.

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