Part 12

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*3rd person*

Phil woke up in a bed. He looked to the side. The bedside clock read 5:30.

Phil sat upright, making his head hurt really bad, "Ow." he complained.

Dan walked into the room, "Phil! You're up! Are you okay?" Dan sat down at the end of the bed.

"My head hurts but that's about it." Phil responded, "I just have one question."

"Anything!" Dan replied.

"Why am I in your bed?" Phil asked, stifling a laugh.

"Oh.. That.. Well you tried to stop me from watching your YouTube video and fell in the process of grabbing my phone."

"Wait.. That wasn't a dream?" Phil asked.

"No? Why? Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Dan put his hand on Phil's forehead. He let it slip down to his cheek and left it there. Phil snuggled into his hand and smiled, "So that means I can do this?"

Phil got to a sitting position next to Dan and put his lips to his, and with a lot of force.

Dan fell backwards, dragging Phil with him. They continued kissing. The longer the kiss lasted the more urgent their feelings became.

Phil started to lift up Dan's shirt when he stopped him, "Just one sec." Dan said. He opened a drawer, grabbed something, and then closed it. He grabbed Phil's shirt and tore it away from his torso.

Dan then started on Phil's jeans. He had gotten them unbuttoned and Phil pushed them off. Eventually the two boys were naked, with the exception of the thin cloth of their boxers.

Dan and Phil were now fighting for dominance in a very heated make out session. Dan eventually won. He pushed their half-hard groins against each other for some much needed friction that both of them needed.

Phil let out a moan as Dan moved his hand down to Phil's shaft and gripped the base and started to stroke him.

"Daaaaaaaan!" He moaned loudly.

Phil was getting harder by the second. Dan kissed him on the mouth for a second and then started trailing kisses down Phil's body. He stopped right above his cock and swiftly pulled down his boxers.

Dan put his mouth on the tip of Phil's hard-on. Slowly he pushed his head down to take in as much as he could of Phil. Dan deep throated him to take in the rest. He slowly started to bob his head up and down. Phil started to squirm underneath him. Phil could feel his release coming on.

"Da-an! I'm go-nna.."

Dan took his mouth away from his cock and looked up at Phil. Phil squirmed again at the absence of Dan's mouth.

Dan leaned over and grabbed what he had pulled out of the drawer. Dan squirted some of it on his fingers as Phil realized it was lube.

Dan let it warm up a little and then moved to Phil's entrance. He pushed one finger in and started to pump it in and out of him. Eventually he added another and continued. He scissored his fingers and Phil let out a little whimper. Dan moved up and kissed him as he added a third, realizing that this was Phil's first time.

Dan pulled out his fingers when Phil was stretched enough and Phil whimpered again as he felt his fingers leave. "Alright.. Are you sure you want me to do this?" Dan said as he took off his boxers and lazily threw them to the ground. Phil eyed Dan's rock hard cock and could see the lust in his eyes. Phil nodded and Dan squirted some lube onto his shaft and then spread it all over it.

Dan aligned himself with Phil's entrance and slowly pushed his tip in. He looked to Phil for approval and when Phil nodded he continued. Dan leaned forward and kissed Phil, trying to distract him from the pain in his ass.

Dan pushed himself the rest of the way in and let Phil adjust to the feeling of him. He gave Dan an assuring nod and so Dan pulled out and then pushed back in.

Phil's pain was quickly replaced with pleasure as Dan slammed into him, harder with each pump. He reached down and started stroking Phil's pulsing cock and pump in time with his thrusts.

Dan started to look for Phil's sweet spot. Phil let out a gasp and Dan knew he had found the buried gold. He hit Phil's prostate a few more times before Phil interrupted the haze in his brain from the lust.

"Dan!" Phil screamed right before he exploded all over Dan's hand, which in turn made Dan released his load inside Phil.

Dan leaned over Phil and placed a gentle kiss on his lips and then laid down, panting, next to Phil. Both boys were extremely sweaty and exhausted from the recent events.

Phil snuggled into Dan and Dan pulled him closer. "I think I love you." Phil said to Dan as he started to drift off, not really hearing him.

"Mhm." Dan mumbled in reply. They interlocked their fingers and fell asleep on each other, not knowing what trials were to come next.

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