Part 13

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*3rd person*

Phil groaned as he came out from unconsciousness and realized he had never gone home. Hell, he didn't even know where he was. He went to sit up and a warm pair of arms, along with a sharp pain in his head, warned him he wasn't alone and something had happened.

He looked over to the other side of the bed and then it all came back. The meet up, the kiss, the coffee, the fans, the fall, and the sex that had followed his sudden bravery.

Dan shifted next to him and opened his eyes slowly, "Morning beautiful." He said groggily. He rubbed his eyes and sat up so he was eye level with Phil and kissed his cheek.

"M-morning." Phil stuttered out, his face turning a slight shade of red at Dan's comment.

"Sleep well? How does your head feel?" Dan asked.

"Still hurts like hell. And I slept pretty great after.." Phil trailed off, his cheeks turning a few shades darker as he thought about what exactly happened.

"Want some medicine?" Dan asked in a loving and motherly manner.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Phil mumbled, obviously still tired. He had a pain in his ass that seemed to get worse whenever he moved one way or the other so he sat still, hoping all the pain would go away.

After getting dressed, Dan and Phil walked out into the kitchen looking for some pills and a glass of water. After retrieving the items, Phil downed them both. "Thanks." he said, looking happily at Dan.

"Well it's kind of my fault you fell. might as well help you feel better." Phil replied, walking over and giving Dan a short kiss.

"Well if I hadn't've fallen yesterday we wouldn't be here right now." Dan said, leaning up and reattaching their lips in a heated kiss. They pulled away for air.

Phil smiled and Dan. "The videos aren't a big deal. If you want to watch them you can go ahead and do it if you want." Phil replied shyly.

"I'll do that later. Right now, I have a boyfriend to attend to." Dan said, once again, reattaching their lips.

"Boyfriend, huh? Is that what we are now?" Phil responded with a smirk in between kisses.

"Yes. you're my boyfriend and no one else can have you." Dan replied, pulling Phil closer to him. "Where's your parents?" he asked after a little.

"I don't know. I think they're still at the hospital. Let me call." Phil said, running back to his room and grabbing his phone.

Dan waited for 20 minutes for Phil to get off the phone. When he walked back into the kitchen, his eyes looked distant.

"Phil?" Dan asked, suddenly worried for the boy standing across from him.

"My little brother's in the hospital. I got him there yesterday with the help of my dad but Adri's not doing any better today. He's still having stomach pains and he can't move without hurting. He can hardly eat without puking. I'm really scared. He's the only one that I trust with my life in the entire world. He knows about you. He knows I like you. He knew you liked me before anyone. Or at least he was saying it to me before everyone else. My mum blames me for what happened with him and my dad is just kinda here." Dan rushed out in short sentences.

Phil didn't know what to do so he walk over and stood in front of Dan, put his arms around his neck, and leaned his forehead against the others. Dan had his eyes closed but was well aware of Phil's intention. Dan slowly looked up into the sea of Phil's eyes and got lost in them.

Phil decided to take this moment to his advantage and he leaned in and kissed him. It was a short kiss, and Phil quickly pulled away. "Let's go see your little brother, yeah? He needs you to be there for him."

And with that said, Dan dragged Phil out of the flat and to the hospital.

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