Part 2

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"What is your problem?" Phil practically screamed at Dan, "Why don't you want anyone to help you? Why can't you just stop being an asshole and see that people care about you?" Phil could see that Dan was trying to fight back tears and knew that he had to push just a little harder to make him crack. "Do you think that people don't care about you? People are conceited, yes. But some actually care!"

They stood there for a few moments before Dan responded. "Do you care or are you just trying to get a rise out of me like everyone else?" Dan was trying really hard not to cry.

"I actually care! Why else would I be trying to help you?!" Phil shouted.

"Oh I don't know! Maybe because that old hag told you to make me a better student?! Or maybe because you've heard things about me and want to make me seem like an even weirder person than I already am!" Dan screamed back.

"What?! The rumor that you're gay?! Yeah! Everyone's heard that one! It seems more true now though! You won't let anyone near you! Why is that? Afraid you'll make out with them like you did to the poor year 11 student last year?!"

Dan had heard enough and was about to walk out when Phil grabbed his wrist. Dan yanked so hard that he and Phil both fell hard to the ground. Phil landed on Dan's chest. It took a moment for them to recover. Phil looked up at Dan and his beautiful brown eyes. All he knew was that he was attracted to Dan. And all at once he was kissing Dan. And Dan was kissing him back nonetheless.

The kiss was one of passion. It lasted for what seemed like forever. Fireworks were everywhere and all they were aware of were each other. When they finally pulled away Dan had a look of confusion mixed with happiness on his face. Phil was sure his matched.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry D-Dan... I don't know what came over me..." Phil sputtered, obviously a nervous heap. He stood up and helped Dan up after him. Dan faced towards the wall while Phil's back was leaned against it for leverage. They stood close to each other. He looked at Phil with the same look that was soon taken over by one of mischief.

Dan closed the distance between the two of them. Fireworks went off again and Phil depended the kiss. They were interrupted by the bell ringing. He looked at Dan and was returned with a look of knowing that they would have to leave the room one by one so no one would suspect anything.

*3rd person Dan*

Phil had decided he would leave first and then Dan a few minutes later. Phil would wait nearby so Dan wouldn't be caught coming out of a room alone and have to be taken from Phil and his leniency. By the time the warning bell rang they were walking towards History. No one had seen Dan but they all saw Phil leaving the abandoned room.

Thank goodness Dan thought If I had to even attempt to explain why I was coming out of an abandoned room right after the guy I just kissed, I would probably break down.

Phil looked at Dan before they entered the class. Dan's heart raced like every time before he had ever dreamed of talking to Phil. Now he was supposed to become a better student and talk to more people and actually be a part of the school.

Dan walked behind Phil as they entered the classroom right as the bell rang. They say down in the back of the classroom. The History teacher was out sick so they had a fill in teacher who sat at the front of the class and read.

Dan pulled out a sheet of notebook paper and wrote a note to Phil.

Hey... Uhm... Are we not gonna talk about what happened?

He passed the folded note to Phil, not worrying about whether the teacher would see them. Phil opened it, scribbled a response, and passed it back.

It was an accident. It was never meant to happen. You should just let it go.

Dan read the reply and became furious. How could Phil play me like this? He thought. Dan's mind was thinking such terrible things to say to Phil, when suddenly the note was snatched from under his arm and he heard writing.

Phil had grabbed it and had started writing another, probably, heart wringing note. Phil finished a few seconds later and handed it back.

Dan slowly opened the note and read Phil's adorable scribbled handwriting:

Can we meet up after school? I think we should talk about it... If it means that much to you.

It took all of Dan's will power to not attack Phil's face and tell him that he's liked him since year 6 when they had English together. Dan had looked much different then and was sure Phil wouldn't remember him.

Dan knew from year 4 that he was attracted to guys and when he told his parents they completely supported him and his preference for them. Dan knew he was one of the more fortunate kids when he found out that his boyfriend from last year's parents tried to beat that gay out of him.

Jake had come to school the next day and broken up with Dan. People started making fun of Jake for being gay when someone had seen him and Dan in a heated make out session the week before.

That was when Dan started skipping school and threw up the wall made of iron and sealed with bricks so no one could penetrate it. His parents were eventually blocked out as well. Only his little brother, Adrian, could get him to talk. Dan was thankful for having the little brother he did.

The bell rang and Dan looked to Phil for where his next class was. One more class and then we can talk Dan thought as he walked to his last class of the day, Sociology.

The class dragged on and on till the end of school. When the final bell rang Dan looked at Phil who was looking down at the floor, refusing to make eye contact.

Dan figured that Phil didn't want to talk about the kiss, but Dan needed to get his feelings out. After 3 years of crushing on Phil he had to tell him... Even if it meant loosing the only friend he had in the school.

Dan walked with Phil in silence to the front gates. Phil rode Dan's bus and usually sat alone so he invited Dan to sit next to him. They rode the bus in silence. Dan didn't want to go home so he got off at Phil's stop so they could talk.

When the bus pulled away and was out of the distance Dan rounded on Phil. "Can we talk about earlier now?"

Phil kept his head down, not wanting to look into the brown haired beauty's eyes. Please look up Dan willed Phil. He took a deep breath and looked up into the amazing brown eyes of the other boy. Phil's mind immediately started racing.

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