Part 3

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*3rd person*

Phil fought back the urge to scream at Dan. Before today Phil had been a normal teenager. All because of this boy, his life was now changed more than he ever wanted.

Phil wasn't sure whether or not he still wanted to talk about it. But he knew that if he didn't talk now Dan would bother him or stay completely quiet till they did. Phil couldn't handle it when people were completely silent around him. It made him feel terrible whether he had done something or not.

Phil slowly looked up and took a deep breath. "Alright. I'm ready to talk about it." Phil said just loud enough for Dan to hear.

Dan mentally shook himself. This was the moment he had been waiting for for 3 years. Dan opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find his voice. He stood there speechless. Phil looked at him expectantly which didn't make it any easier for Dan. "If you're not gonna say anything then I'm just gonna go home." Phil said a little too sharply.

This took Dan out of his shock, right as Phil started to turn around. "Uhm... Please don't leave... I just don't know what to say." Dan said quickly, hoping Phil would stay.

"If you're gonna take this long then you might as well come over. I need to help you with your homework anyway." Phil said. He grabbed Dan's wrist and pulled him down the sidewalk. He turned a corner and walked up the driveway for the corner house.

Phil took off his shoes and ran to the kitchen. In the mean time, Dan took his shoes off and sat down on the little couch in the front living room. He waited there for roughly 20 minute before Phil walked out with two water bottles, a big bag of crisps, and something he had hidden.

They went upstairs to Phil's room. He shut the door behind them, and set everything down on his bed. Dan looked anxious for what was to come. Phil walked over to the tv and turned it on. The news was on so he changed the tv to a different channel. He walked back and sat down on the bed. Dan, the whole time, was completely still. When Phil sat down he motioned for Dan to sit across from him.

Dan did as instructed and sat cross legged on the opposite end of the bed. They sat in silence for quite some time. Dan couldn't take it any more. He was dying. He either had to leave or stick it out till Phil looked up. Dan had finally had enough.

"Why do you do this to me. Always looking down. For fucks sake! Look UP! I want to talk to you about what happened and I can't if you won't even look at me. What? Are you ashamed it happened? Well I'm not. I've liked you since year 6 in English class!" No turning back he thought, "I used to always steal your glasses and you would always reach out blindly." Phil now looked up. "Then one day you fell onto me and looked at me with those blue eyes and I knew that I really liked you! How can you not realize that I still like you?!" Dan was past anger. He would take this as far as he could. Admit as much as possible. Tell everything. Might as well die while trying instead of living with regret. "Phil... I love you." Dan was done for. It was too late to take anything back. He shut up when he saw Phil's face.

He looked hurt but not hurt. Stunned but not stunned. His expression was hard to read. When Phil found his voice, after 10 minutes of gut wrenching silence, he finally replied. "That was you in year 6?"

"That was all you got out of that?" Dan snapped. He was still angry. He just poured his heart and soul out to Phil and all he asked was about one measly thing?!

"You were the first guy I ever had a crush on." Phil said more to himself but Dan heard.

He was shocked. Phil had liked him before this year? How? No one ever tells him anything! It probably didn't help that he dressed and acted the way he did but still...

"Do you still?" Was all Dan could manage to say.

Phil looked him straight in the eye. "Does it matter?" Phil said.

"Of course it matters!" Dan practically yelled.

"Why? Why does it matter so much to you? Why can't we just be friends? Why can't anything be simple?! Whywhywhy?!" Phil screamed back in a small tantrum, as he started to sob uncontrollably.

Dan saw that he had crossed a line. He scooted over next to Phil and rubbed his back. "Shh it's okay Phil. It's okay. We can let it go. I don't care anymore." Phil sobbed slightly into Dan's shoulder. He looked up at Dan with red eyes, searching for something. Dan couldn't tell what but suddenly he was pushed. Phil had shoved him as hard as he could. Dan fell off the bed and hit Phil's night stand. During the fall, he knocked over a lamp and the alarm clock, yanking the chords from the wall.

Dan looked up at Phil with a look of shock and hurt. He stood up, grabbed his bag, and ran downstairs. Dan had had enough of Phil. He was being a royal douche bag... And not the hot kind... He quickly pulled on his shoes. As he opened the door he felt a hand be placed on his shoulder.

It was Phil's mum.

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