Part 8

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Dan walked over to the Starbucks and sat down at one of the tables outside to wait for Phil. He put his headphones back in and continued playing his music. He scrolled through his music and finally decided on some Muse.

Phil shyly walked over to where Dan was sitting and grabbed one of the open seats.

"Hey." Phil said, waving his hand in front of Dan's face to get his attention.

"Oh.. Hey!" Dan said, "Sorry. I was listening to Muse."

"You like Muse?" Phil asked, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah! How could you not like Muse?!" Dan exclaimed, getting excited talking about his favorite band.

Phil giggled slightly, "Well.. We have a somewhat similar music taste."

"What kind of bands do you like?" Dan questioned.

"Fall Out Boy, Green Day, All-American Rejects.. Just to name a few." Phil answered shyly.

"What?! No way! We have more than a 'somewhat similar' music taste!" Dan practically screamed at him.

"Well okay then." Phil said, a slight blush creeping onto his face. He cleared his throat, "Anyways.. I need to talk to you." He said, suddenly getting very serious.

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"Well.. First of all my lamp has been murdered and placed in the lamp morgue.. Meaning the trash.. And my clock is perfectly fine." Phil explained quietly.

"Is that what you had me ditch school for?" Dan questioned, a little upset.

"No.. That's not it." Phil said, shaking his head, "I wanted to apologize.. You were just trying to comfort me and I was extremely rude. I never should've pushed you away.. Literally." Phil added.

Phil looked like he was about to break down and Dan would be the reason for it once again. He reached over the table and grabbed Phil's hand that was resting there.

"Ah.. Dammit Phil.. Don't cry again. Look.. I'll buy you a new lamp. Just don't cry." Dan rambled.

"No.. It's not that." Phil tried to explain

"Phil. It's okay if you don't see me that way." Dan explained, "I wouldn't blame you."

"Dan.." Phil started.

"No.. It's fine. Listen, I've gotta go. My mom said I have to watch my little brother. He stayed home 'sick' too." Dan half lied.

"Oh.. But Da-" Phil was cut off by Dan letting go of Phil's hand and leaving Starbucks.

*3rd Person Phil*

"Well shit." Phil muttered under his voice.

He stood up and left Starbucks. Dan. The thought was clear and loud in his mind. He looked around but he was no where in sight.

Phil started walking back to the bus stop when someone tapped his shoulder. He slowly turned around, half knowing who it was.

"Hey Amy." He said.

"Well good morning to you too, Sunshine." Amy replied, laughing slightly, "Where's your little boyfriend?"

Phil's face went pale, "What did you just call Dan?"

"I didn't call Dan anything. I asked where your boyfriend was. You assumed I meant Dan. So someone has a crush on an open gay.. Eep! Maybe he can help you come out of the closet!" Amy exclaimed.

"What are you on about?" Phil asked.

"Oh please! I talked to him on the bus ride over here for you. I did my part."

"Shit.. I forgot I asked you to do that.. He can never find out that you were spying for me." Phil said, getting nervous.

"Don't play the poor boy. He's been through enough." Amy explained.

"He wouldn't let me get hardly two words out. He's so convinced I don't like him.. Like at all." Phil said.

Amy opened her mouth to say something but stopped as she took her phone out of her pocket. She got a text.

From: Daaan :p

He doesn't like me. Looks like you were actually wrong. Thanks anyway though. He wouldn't like me anyway. I give up on the idea of me and him.

Amy stared at her phone screen, not quite understanding what Dan meant. When it finally clicked in her mind, she sighed and showed the message to Phil.

"Shitshitshit!" Phil said.

"Phil! Language!" Amy giggled. She typed a quick reply.

To: Daaan :p

What do you mean? What happened hun?

She locked her phone and sat down at a table outside Starbucks. "Would you care to join me and explain why he's giving up?"

Phil sat down and sighed, "I told him my lamp was dead but the clock was okay and then he wouldn't let me say anything more."


Phil sat in shock at her sudden outburst. He opened his mouth to say something when he had a sudden idea. He shot up out of his seat and ran to the bus stop. They had only been siting there a couple minutes so the bus shouldn't have left yet. "I'll talk to you later!" He yelled back at Amy.

Phil ran as fast as he could. The bus stop came into view right as the bus pulled up. Phil ran a little faster, trying to make it in time to get on the bus to execute his master plan.


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