[Chapter 1] - Déjà Vu

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(E/C) - Eye Color

























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Engaging Scenario...












(Your POV)

(Y/N): Gahhhhh!

I shot up from my bed, sweat pouring down from my face. I looked around, which I recognize that I was in my room. Breathing heavily, I slowly calmed down.

(Y/N): What the hell just happened? Was any of that real?


I sighed to myself as I got out of bed into the shower. God what a nightmare, everyone that I knew just died in front of my eyes. Shaking the bad thoughts aside, I ate some eggs and went outside and start walking to school.

???: Heeeeeeeeeyyy!!!

Turning around, I see an annoying girl running toward me from the distance, waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself.

My Sweet Cupcake [Natsuki x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now