[Chapter 6] - Crayons and Chocolate

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(Y/N) - Your Name


(Your POV)

(Y/N): ...

My hair caused a shadow to loom over my eyes. I had a feeling she knew something about me. In all honesty though, I already forgave her two days ago so I can't be mad about her killing my friends. Monika is just... What word can I describe with her with? "Weird" may sound a bit too harsh. Not "Mentally Ill"

...I guess she just knows something that I don't. Probably something bigger and crazier that I don't have the knowledge to do so. Mainly because after she killed both Natsuki and Yuri, I really don't have that much memory after that. It was some sort of blur afterwards.

Anyways, back to me and Monika, I just stayed silent since she knew about my ability to know the future. Monika crosses her arms.

Monika: I knew it...

(Y/N): Why does it matter Monika? I'm helping them.

Monika: I killed them for a reason (Y/N). A reason you'll never understand... Even though you have the ability to know the future, you still don't know the knowledge that I possess.

(Y/N): Monika you don't have to kill them. They're my friends! They didn't do anything to deserve this kind of torment!

Monika: (sigh) It's not about them. It's not about you (Y/N). It's about HIM.

(Y/N): Who are you talking about?

Monika: The boy I mentioned in my poem.

(Y/N): Oh the "higher being than god" guy. What does he have to do than all of this?

Monika: The knowledge I know will be too much for you to handle (Y/N). You'll never understand.

(Y/N): Then MAKE me understand Monika. Look, I dont know what's with this guy and you, but I promised myself that I was going to save everyone in this club, including you Monika.

Monika: ...

(Y/N): ...

Monika: ...Come to room 215 after the club has been dismissed. We have alot to discuss.

(Y/N): You mean the classroom that's down the hall? (points past Monika to the lone classroom at the end of the hall)

Monika: Yeah that one. I need to talk to you about alot of things that you need to understand.

(Y/N): Alright Monika. Just promise me one thing.

Monika: What is it?

(Y/N): Just don't kill any of them. Especially Natsuki, she already suffered enough.

Monika: Alright, I won't.

(Y/N): (hugs her) Thanks Monika.

Monika: Heh... Anytime (Y/N). Now go ahead and talk to Sayori. She's going leave soon you know.

(Y/N): Alright! Wait... How did you-

Monika: I'll explain everything later. Just go okay?

(Y/N): Alright. Let's go back inside.

(stop music)

Monika nodded. We entered back into the classroom with Sayori and Yuri still doing their own thing while Natsuki was still sleeping. We both nodded at each other as I approached Sayori. She saw me walking towards me though, so a giant smile grew on her face as she got up and speedwalked over to me.

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