[Chapter 3] - Poem Partners!

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(Y/N) - Your Name


(Your POV)

Leaving Yuri to her book, I followed Monika to the exit of the clubroom. Honestly I thought she wanted to talk to me alone until I saw Sayori following us. As we three stood by the door, Monika began speaking to me.

Monika: So (Y/N), Sayori and I have been thinking many things about the club. As you probably knew, the school festival is our chance to show everyone what literature is all about! The problem is that the idea of a literature club sounds too dense and intellectual... But it's not like that at all, you know?

(Y/N): Yeah I know.

Monika: We just need a way of showing that to everyone... Something that speaks to their creative minds. Sayori was suggesting that it's also important to figure out how to get people to show up in the first place, you know? And after they come, we can do the thing to speak to their creative minds. I then suggested food-

Sayori: Cupcakes!

Monika: Hehe, right.

(Y/N): First off, I could see where Sayori was coming from, and honestly that is a pretty good idea to make people show how creative their minds are. And secondly...

I took a deep breath.


Sayori: Natsuki makes the best cupcakes ever!

Monika: Honestly I have to agree with both of you, her cupcakes are just a delight to consume.

(Y/N): Anyways, not to be rude, but why did you want to speak to me Monika?

Monika: Oh, I almost forgot. Basically I just wanted to ask if you are willing to help to get the literature club into the school festival.

(Y/N): Sure I don't mind. Besides, it's something that I'm willing to help all of my friends out.

Sayori: Yaay~ Thanks (Y/N)! Your the best!

Monika: You really are someone to count on, don't let us down. Make the right choices this time~

(Y/N): Sounds good to m-

I stopped myself for a second. What did she just say? Why did she say that?

(Y/N): Wait, what do-

Monika: Ah don't worry about it~ Anyways Sayori wanted to talk to you about something.

As Monika walked away from us, I was eyeing her for a second.

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: I'm watching you Monika...

Sayori: So (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah Sayori?

Sayori: Now that you're in the literature club, you're gonna have less time for anime, you know! You'll need to get used to it to help us!

(Y/N): (sigh) It's a sad sacrifice I'm willing to take. Above all though I'm happy. I'm happy to make everybody else in the club happy. Especially you Sayori.

Sayori: You're so kind (Y/N)... But you need to remember that I'm here to always look out for you too you know.

(Y/N): Sayori... I know that, but look at yourself.

Sayori then proceeds to looks at her body, assuming something was on her. Jeez this girl could be so innocent at times that it was too funny.

Sayori: Is there something on me?

My Sweet Cupcake [Natsuki x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now