[Chapter 2] - Manga is Literature!

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(Y/N) - Your name


(Your POV)

After laughing it all out and almost getting slapped by Natsuki, we all calmed down.

Natsuki: I don't like you, you know that right?

(Y/N): Sure you do, but Natsuki, you write your own poems?

Natsuki: Eh? Well, I guess sometimes. Why do you care?

(Y/N): I actually want to read them.

Natsuki: N-No! You wouldn't... Like them...

Yuri: I understand how Natsuki feels. Sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence. The truest form of writing is writing to oneself. You must be willing to open up to your readers, exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart.

Monika: Do you have writing experience too, Yuri? Maybe if you share some of your work, you can set an example and help Natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers.

Yuri then sweatdrops, slightly embarrassed and flustered by the situation.

Monika: I guess it's the same for Yuri...

Sayori: Aww... I wanted to read everyone's poems...

Everyone sat in silence for a moment. Suddenly, I realized that Monika was going to reveal that we can share poems to express ourselves. Might as well bring that idea.

(Y/N): Hey guys, I have an idea.

The four girls looked at me in curiosity.

(Y/N): How about we just all make poems when we get home? When we come back to the club, everyone can share them. That way, everybody could be even.

Sayori: Yeaaah! Let's do it!

(Y/N): Plus, now that you girls have a new member, I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other, and learn about the feelings of each club member.

Monika: That sounds like a great idea! I couldn't have said it better myself! Literally!

(Y/N): Thanks Monika.

Monika: Before I forget though...

She placed both of her hands on my shoulders.

Monika: Welcome to the club (Y/N), we're all excited for you to be here.

Sayori: Yaaay! (Y/N) in the literature club!

Yuri warmly smiles at the scene in front of her. Natsuki on the other hand was glaring at Monika. Either that or she was just thinking about something. Monika removes her hands from me and faces the other three members.

Monika: Okay, everyone! I think with that, we can officially end today's meeting on a good note. Everyone remember (Y/N)'s assignment, which is to write a poem to bring to the next meeting, so we can all share!

The girls then continued to chit-chat as Yuri and Natsuki clean up their food and drinks. However, Sayori walked up to me.

Sayori: Hey, (Y/N), since we're already here, do you want to walk home together?

Right, this time I'm not going to become dumb and just let Sayori suffer through her depression. I got to make a plan to save her and the rest of them.

(Y/N): Of course I do! I mean you're my best friend after all Sayori, how can I not?

Sayori: Aww you're so kind (Y/N). But yaay~ Let's go then!

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