[Chapter 14] - A Comfortable Walk

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(N/N) - Nick Name


(Your POV)

Well, this is a festival experience I'm never going to forget anytime soon.

Natsuki has been dragging me around most of our time looking around. I bought most of the food and sweets she wanted. At this point, my wallet is going to drained from any green paper. Didn't matter though, if it's for Nat, then I don't care.

We are both are getting slightly annoyed that we couldn't find any fried squid anywhere though. Personally I don't want it, but it's for Natsuki, so seeing none around is pissing me off a little.

(Y/N): Well this sucks...

Natsuki: UGH! I can't believe all the places that DO sell fried squid sold out!

(Y/N): Must've been popular on the menu for some reason.

Natsuki: I mean who DOESN'T love fried squid??

I'm just going to keep my mouth shut for that one.

(Y/N): Oh hey, look over there.

I pointed to a classroom which has some people crowding over. When I looked closer...

(Y/N): The anime club.

Natsuki: Well, it was to be expected that this one will be popular.

(Y/N): Wanna go inside?

Natsuki: Umm...

(Y/N): Maybe they have some exclusive manga~

Natsuki: Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go in!

(Y/N): O-Ow! It's like you're going to pull my arm out of the socket!

After we went inside, the room was just filled with life. The promethean board was playing some random anime I don't recognize, people laughing and chatting, and food!

(Y/N): Hey, I think they have some-


She then proceeds to get a paper plate from thin air and started to grab as much as she can. I slowly followed by grabbing some small Japanese candies. Afterwards, after grabbing some manga, we exited with Natsuki grinning widely.

Natsuki: Best. Day. Ever.

(Y/N): (chuckles) You really like fried squid don't you?

Natsuki: It's delicious. I only tried it once, and I've been dying to try it again.

(Y/N): Well enjoy it while it's hot. Hey, want to go to the roof again?

Natsuki: (munch) You don't think we'll get caught?

(Y/N): I'm sure we'll be fine, let's go.

(scene break)

We went up the same stairs from last time, and arrived at the top. Which was unsurprisingly empty. Natsuki sat down in the original place we both kissed. Smiling, I sat down next to her, unwrapping some of the candy I got.

(Y/N): Great day huh?

Natsuki: Yeah... It was great.

We both sat in silence as we both munched on our food. Looking to the left, I see the horizon of the town we were living in.

Natsuki: It's a nice view from up here.

(Y/N): It really is.

Natsuki: ...

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