[Chapter 4] - Poem Panic!

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(E/S) - Egg Style
(A/N) - Author's Note


(Your POV)

Yuri smiled as she walked away towards Natsuki. I sighed to myself, what a stressful day it has been. And it's only on day TWO. I really need to step my game up if I want to help these girls.

(Y/N): I guess that's everyone in the club.

I glanced around the room. Such a familiar scenario yet so different. This is a literature club I suppose. after all. I guess that's what I got myself into. Across the room, Sayori and Monika are happily chatting. However, my eyes drifted away from them onto Yuri and Natsuki sharing their poems together.

They exchanged their sheets of paper, sharing their respective poems. As they read in sync, I watch each of their expressions change. Natsuki's eyebrows furrow in frustration. Meanwhile, Yuri smiles sadly.

Natsuki: (quietly) What is this language?

Yuri looks towards Natsuki in confusion.

Yuri: Eh? Um... Did you say something?

Natsuki: Oh, it's nothing.

Natsuki then dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand.

Natsuki: I guess you could say it's fancy.

Yuri: Ah... Thanks. Yours is... Cute.

Natsuki, unfortunately, did NOT like that response in the slightest.

Natsuki: Cute? Did you completely miss the symbolism or something? It's clearly about the feeling of giving up. How can that be cute?

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: Ah fuck...

Yuri: I-I know that! I just meant... The language, I guess... I was trying to say something nice...

Natsuki: Eh? You mean you have to try that hard to come up with something nice to say? Thanks, but it really didn't come out nice at all!

Poor Yuri. I would help her, but I really don't want a giant red hand print in my face at the moment.

Yuri: Um... Well, I do have a couple suggestions...

Natsuki: Hmph. If I was looking for suggestions, I would have asked someone who actually liked it. Which people DID, by the way. Sayori liked it.

She paused for a moment.

Natsuki: ...a-and (Y/N) liked it, too! (confidently crosses her arms) So based on that, I'll gladly give you some suggestions of my own. First of all-

Yuri, annoyed and possibly pissed off, interrupted Natsuki.

Yuri: Excuse me... I appreciate the offer, but I've spent a long time establishing my writing style... I don't expect it to change anytime soon, unless of course I come across something particularly inspiring. Which I haven't.


Natsuki: Nn...!

Yuri: Plus, (Y/N) liked my poem too, you know. He even asked me for future advice while writing.

Jeez, I could feel the tension of the room thicken. I wonder how in the hell Sayori nor Monika were feeling it. Suddenly, Natsuki stood up, hands on her hips.

Natsuki: Oh? I didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress our new member, Yuri.

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