[Chapter 13] - The Only One

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(A/N) - Author's Note


(Your POV)


(Y/N): (yawns while rubbing your eyes) Morning already? Jesus, time flies as if King Crimson skipped time.

I looked to my left to see Sayori still sleeping soundly, which gave me a small smile.

(Y/N): I'm so glad you're still alive and well Sayori. I'm happy that I was able to help you with your depression and be there when you needed it...

As I quietly said that, Sayori started to stir awake. She let out a huge yawn as she sat up from my bed.

(Y/N): Morning sleepy head.

Sayori: (tiredly) Huh? Oh hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Go ahead and snooze for a bit, I'm going to go and take a shower.

Sayori: Okaaaayyy...

(scene break)

After cooking both of us some eggs and toast, Sayori was staring starry eyed at the cupcakes that me and Natsuki baked. I was texting Natsuki that she can come over to help me get the cupcakes, in which she replied and said she was on her way.

Sayori: Oh my goodness! Those cupcakes look sooooo gooooooood~

(Y/N): Yeah, they do look amazing.

Sayori: Can I have one??? Please let me have one.

(Y/N): If I letted you have one I'm basically writing my own death sentence Sayori.

Sayori: (pouts) But they look so tasty...

(Y/N): One way or another you're going to get a cupcake you know.

Sayori: But I want one nooooooow...

I mean I couldn't blame her for wanting one. Natsuki's cupcakes are literally THE SHIT. At least I can enjoy them at the festival too.

(Y/N): Sayori I don't want to die by the hands of a pink-haired otaku.


(Y/N): Speaking of which...

Sayori and I walked over to the entrance. I then open the door, revealing a smiling Natsuki.

Natsuki: Hey (Y/N)!

She then notices Sayori, and her smile falters just a little bit. However, Sayori didn't notice it.

Natsuki: Hey Sayori, glad to see you back from the hospital.

Sayori: Hey Natsuki, and thanks! Here to help (Y/N) with the cupcakes?

Natsuki: I-I mean of course! I did most of the work after all.

The insult didn't really hurt me as much, since she just wants to act high and mighty to impress her peers. Which, I wasn't too affected by it.

(Y/N): Hehe. And who was the one who helped you with the icing?

Natsuki: ...Okay you helped me a little but still!

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