[Chapter 9] - Poem Partners Finale!

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(A/N) - Author's Note


(A/N): Quick note before this chapter begins, this is going to be the last chapter for poems, since the game stopped showing poems before the festival. Hope you guys are cool with that.

(Your POV)

Another day flies by and classes just finished. I walked over to the Literature Club where everyone was doing their normal thing. It still kind of shakes me that everything was just a game and none of this is sort of real. However, if this is a game then I'll be willing to finish the final level.

Sayori called me later on after I had a chat with Monika. She said that her parents figured out she had depression, so they took her a doctor to help treat her needs, which I'm glad about. She also said she was still going to be working on the project even though she was going to be in the hospital.

I never said anything about finding the noose or telling her parents, since it may probably jeopardize the friendship we already have. Anyways, Monika wasn't here yet as I expected her to be, but what I didn't expect is Natsuki to approach me with a small smile.

Natsuki: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Natsuki. What's happening?

Natsuki: Nothing really. You want to read some of volume three while we're waiting for Monika to arrive?

(Y/N): Yeah sure, why not?

For the next fifteen minutes we were sitting side by side by the windowsill reading some Parfait Girls. It was nice though, Natsuki wasn't in her usual sour mood as she always tends to be, so this is a relaxing experience for a change. However, after those fifteen minutes, we both heard the classroom door open, which revealed Monika.

Monika: Aw, man... I'm the last one here again!

(Y/N): Don't worry Monika, we understand.

Yuri: Were you practicing piano again?

Monika: Actually no, I just came back to school because I had to check up on Sayori, she's in the hospital.

Yuri: Oh my goodness...

(Y/N): I'm surprised that you left the school just for Sayori, Monika.

Natsuki: What even happened to her?

(Y/N): She had a very deep depression. It was so severe that she wanted to commit suicide.

Natsuki: Holy shit...

(Y/N): I know, it's crazy. I never knew about it until the beginning of this week. And you know how long I was her best friend for.

Yuri: ...that's horrifying knowing that we did nothing to help her. What would've happen if it was too late?

Monika: I know Yuri. Don't worry though, she's getting the treatment she needs. But listen guys, even though Sayori isn't here, just remember that the club wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you. And I'm super happy that you're all willing to help out for the festival, too!

We all started to cheer up from the dark atmosphere that was emitting all around us. As long as Sayori is okay, then we are all happy.

Natsuki: Aaah, I can't wait for the festival! It's gonna be great!

Monika: Eh? Weren't you complaining about it just yesterday, Natsuki?

Natsuki: Well, yeah. I'm not talking about our part of the festival. But it's a whole day of school where we get to play and eat all kinds of delicious food!

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