[Chapter 5] - Because I Care

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(Y/N) - Your Name


(Your POV)

Another day passes, and it's time for the club meeting already. I'm started to become more confident of my ability to know the future and the determination to save everybody. Entering the clubroom, the usual scene greets me.

Sayori: Hi (Y/N)~

(Y/N): Yo, Sayori. Looks like you're in a good mood today. Ehehe~ I'm just still not used to you being in the club, that's all.

(Y/N): I see... Well, that's a pretty simple thing to get you in a good mood. But I guess it's always the simple things with you, anyway.

Sayori: Speaking of which... I'm kinda hungry...

(Y/N): Even though I cooked you breakfast?

Sayori: That was hours ago though! Will you come with me to buy a snack?

(Y/N): No thanks.

Sayori: Eh?? T-That's not like you at all!!

(Y/N): I have my reasons.

I reached into my bag, and pulled out a unnamed brand of chips. Sayori eyes sparkled.

(Y/N): Mainly because I already bought you one already.

Yeah, I actually remembered Sayori was starving during the... You know what? We'll call it the "first run". Yeah that sounds about right.

During the first run, Sayori was starving without anything to eat, and I basically just denied her to get her any snacks at all, even though I had enough for a apple juice that will come into play later.

(Y/N): But you know Sayori, don't expect me to do this for you everyday. Imagine what will happen if I didn't have any money on me. Or what will happen if I couldn't come to school today?

Sayori: (munch) Uwaaa~! Don't make me feel guiltyyy!

Yuri: Ahaha...

Yuri suddenly giggles.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Yuri. Eavesdropping in our conversation I see?

Yuri: A-Ah! I wasn't listening or anything! It was just... Something in my book...

(Y/N): Heh. Don't worry Yuri, I was just messing with ya.

Sayori: Yuriiii... Tell (Y/N) to stop making me feel guilty.

Yuri: That's-! D-Don't get me involved like that, Sayori... Besides... You should only buy what you can responsibly afford... And frankly, after pulling a mischievous little stunt like that, your suffering is fair enough retribution.

(Y/N): Uhh...?

Yuri: Ah! Did I just... I-I didn't mean that!! I got too absorbed into my book... Uu...

Sayori: Ahaha! I really like when you speak your mind, Yuri... It doesn't happen much, but it's a fun side of you!

Yuri: That's... There's no way you could think that...

Sayori: You were right, though... I did something bad and now I have to accept the revolution.

(Y/N): Retribution Sayori.

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