[Chapter 10] - Festival Preparations

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color


(Your POV)

Monika proceeds to gesture me to follow her to the center of the room, since she was going to make the announcement about the festival.

Monika: ...Okay, you three! We're all done sharing poems, right? Why don't we start figuring out-

Natsuki: Hold on a second! Is it just me, or did you say something strange just now?

Monika: Eh...?

Yuri: Something did sound a bit unusual...

Yuri starts pondering on the thought. Until, suddenly, it hits her.

Yuri: Oh that's right. You deviated from your usual catchphrase when addressing the club.

Monika: C-Catchphrase? I don't have a catchphrase...

(Y/N): You mean "Okay everyone"?

Yuri: Yeah, that.

Monika: O-Oh... I guess it just sort of just slipped my mind. Hahaha...

Natsuki: Jeez... Why is the mood so weird today? Look, even Yuri isn't immune to it.

(Y/N): Maybe it's just for the fact that Sayori isn't here.

Everybody took a moment of silence from my statement.

Monika: (sigh) Sayori always helps lighten the mood a little bit, doesn't she? It's almost like everyone's balance is thrown off a little when she's not around...

Natsuki: I guess you're right.

Yuri: I agree.

(Y/N): Yeah...

Monika: Well anyways, we need to figure out the rest of the festival preparations, so let's decide what everyone will be doing this weekend.

Natsuki had a very cocky expression on her.

Natsuki: Hah! Well, I already know what I'M doing!

Monika: That's right. Natsuki will be making cupcakes. But we might need a lot of them, and different flavors... Can you handle that all by yourself, Natsuki?

Natsuki: Challenge accepted!

Monika: And as for myself... I'm going to be making and assembling all the poetry posters for advertising. Sayori will be helping me design them.

Yuri: But wasn't Sayori in the hospital?

(Y/N): They talked it out on the phone. Sayori will be helping Monika online with her laptop.

Yuri: Oh, I see.

Monika: Speaking of which, Yuri. You can...

Yuri: ...

Monika: ...Uhh. G-Guys? Can you help find something for Yuri?

Yuri: I... (looks down) I'm useless...

Monika: N-No! That's not it at all! You're the most talented person here, you know!

(Y/N): Actually, I may have an idea.

The three girls turned their gaze towards me.

(Y/N): Yuri, you have amazing handwriting. Better than mine if I may add.

Yuri: (blushes slightly)

(Y/N): You should make some banners and decorations to help set the atmosphere.

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