[Chapter 11] - Cuts and Cupcakes

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(E/C) - Eye Color


(Your POV)

(Y/N): Yuri...

Yuri: I-I...

(Y/N): I knew it.

I walked over to her and snatched the knife away from her. It's still slightly bloody from her cutting herself. I placed it on the highest part of my shelf, then turned my gaze towards her. Yuri's eyes started to tear up.

(Y/N): Yuri. Why would you do this?

Yuri: I-It's just...

Yuri is unable to form a sentence, which is no surprise at this point. I sighed as I gently grabbed her hand and slowly took her to my bathroom.

(Y/N): Yuri, you shouldn't do this to yourself. It's bad enough that you have this many scars in your arm.

I gestured Yuri to sit down on the closed toilet as I rummaged through the cabinet. Seeing the first aid kit, I grabbed it and grabbed the bottle of alcohol inside.

(Y/N): This is probably going to sting alot. Just try to bare with me, okay?

Using a few cotton balls, I rubbed a good amount of alcohol on her wounded arm. Yuri could be seen tensing up many times due to the pain. After about five minutes, I reached for the first aid kit and brought out some crêpe rolled bandages. I then proceed to wrap them around the wounds, which Yuri had no mind if helping me with.

(Y/N): (sighs) Done.

Yuri: T-Thank you...

(Y/N): Now come on. Let's go back to my room. We need to talk.

Yuri: Alright...

We then both exited the bathroom and headed towards my room. Me nor Yuri said anything as we entered my room. As Yuri sat down on my bed, I rolled my computer rolling chair towards her and sat in front of her.

(Y/N): So... Yuri.

Yuri: Y-Yes?

(Y/N): How long has this been going for?

Yuri: ...

She doesn't respond. I sighed as I readjust my glasses.

(Y/N): It's that bad huh? God Yuri...

Yuri: I'm sorry...

(Y/N): You don't have to be sorry Yuri. I just want you to answer honestly.

Yuri: ...

(Y/N): Do you remember why you started doing it?

Yuri: Yes... I do.

She starts fidgeting to herself, as if she was preparing to tell her life story to me. Well, technically she is, but you get the point!

(Y/N): Take your time Yuri.

Yuri: ...

Yuri was taking silent deep breaths, calming herself down. Finally, she spoke.

Yuri: It was back during sophomore year... My mom and my dad were pressuring onto me about applying to colleges early, getting almost straight A's and studying more. Overall, it was a very stressful life for me that year. It got to the point that I just couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to end my own life to get away from all the struggles I am having.

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