Chapter 2

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"(y/n)-chan, are you okay?" A worried voice came from the other side of your door. It was your friend, Ochako.

Panicked you jumped off the bed and hurriedly tried to pick up all the petals from your bed and the floor. "E-ehm yeah, thanks," you heard yourself reply with a croaky voice.

"Are you sure? Because I've heard you cough an awful lot all evening," she sounded genuinely concerned.

Damn these thin walls... "Oh right, yeah it's just... the dust. Yeah, right it's the dust. I really need to clean," you said, followed by a fake laugh.

You heard Ochako sigh. "I can tell that you're hiding something (y/n)-chan. You're my best friend, you know you can tell me anything."

As soon as she finished, you opened your door and flashed her a bright grin. "I do tell you everything, but I honestly am okay! Come on, let's go downstairs. I'm starving," you tried to sound as happy as possible so that your friend would stop worrying.

You noticed her looking into your room before you could close the door properly. Luckily you had managed to get rid of all petals in time. She looked at you with suspicion in her eyes but dropped her questioning as she could tell that whatever it was, you didn't want to talk about it.

When you arrived downstairs in the common room, pretty much the entire class was gathered there. Everyone looked up at you and Ochako when you walked into the room, and you simply smiled. You could feel one person glaring daggers at you, and you had a pretty good idea of who it was. And sure enough, when you looked into the corner of the room, you saw Bakugou look at you as if he was thinking of good ways to kill you.

You swallowed hard and felt the silky petal that was about to see the light of day go back down into your body. Nobody else had noticed his looks of hatred, except for Ochako. And she could tell how uncomfortable it made you.

"Come on (y/n), let's get you something to eat, you said you were starving, didn't you?!" She took your hand and dragged you to the kitchen.

"Hmmm," was the only noise you made in response. You felt sick. The thought of having to eat made your stomach spin. You weren't hungry, and you knew that whatever you would eat would be flushed down the toilet not soon after anyway. You had trouble keeping down food lately. You had lost quite a bit of weight as well, but nobody seemed to have noticed so far, or so you thought.

Ochako got some ice cream out of the freezer. "Here try this, I think that'll be soothing for your throat." You looked at her with question marks written all over your face. "You sound like you have a sore throat. The creamy consistency usually helps me when my throat hurts. Also, you need some calories in you. You seem to have lost weight."

You just nodded thanks and started spooning the frozen dessert.

When Mina entered the kitchen, you took this as an opportunity to zone out again, you didn't like talking lately; there was nothing you had to say to anyone. Silently you ate the ice cream that was placed in front of you. You felt yourself drifting into your little world again.

The conversations you had with yourself were always the same. What should you do? Should you choose life or death? Love or emptiness? The logical thing would be to live and forget about the feelings you had for the person that constantly mistreated you. But what if the surgery removed your ability to ever love again? Wasn't a life without love worse than death? Would you still be able to feel at all?

It was so unfair that you had to make this decision, and it made you incredibly angry. Other people fell into one-sided love, and they didn't have to decide between life or death. Most people fell in and out of love and moved on with their lives. Their heartache lasted for a while and then eventually they would find someone else. But you didn't have that option. For some reason, you were destined to suffer.

Suddenly a loud grunt tore you out of your thoughts. "I'm talking to you, you cretin," Bakugou almost spat in your face.

You flinched, and your chest began to tighten, your heart was aching. Just looking into Katsuki's crimson eyes was enough to tear you up inside. "Hm?" Was your simple reply.

He pointed at the ice cream. "Do you honestly think you should be eating this shit? It's going to make you fat. You're already well out of shape lately. You'll never be a hero at this rate."

In an instant, you could feel your eyes become watery. Your throat started burning, and you had to try your hardest not to burst out into tears. "Are you going to fucking cry now? If you don't like criticism, then work on yourself, you stupid girl."

That was enough for you to lose it. Once more, you wished that your quirk, which let you control water, would also give you control over your tears, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. You dropped the spoon that you were still clenching in your fist and jumped to your feet. You stumbled a bit but found steady ground before you embarrassed yourself even more. Quickly you walked out of the door, but Bakugou didn't have any of that.

He jogged after you and yelled "Yes, run away because that's all you can ever do. I don't even know how you made it into UA. You're a disgrace." These last words were enough to push you over the edge, you took off running and did not look back.

Bakugou was still standing in the living room, cursing at you. Everyone had witnessed this altercation, and all you wanted to do was to crawl into a hole and never come back out.

You could hear Mina yell at Bakugou. "What the hell was that for? Why are you such an asshole?!" The other girls joined in on her yelling.

"Never call a girl fat for eating! Especially not her, she lost an awful lot of weight if you haven't noticed," Momo added.

You had never heard your friends so angry before. You were thankful that your friends were sticking up for you; however, it didn't matter anymore. You were on a steady mental decline and happiness was as far away as could be at this point.

Finally, you reached your room, and you broke down pretty much immediately after you entered. Your weak body fell to the floor, and your lungs felt like they were collapsing from running up the stairs while crying bitterly. Soon enough, your frail figure was surrounded by red petals. You couldn't even imagine just how pathetic you must have been looking.

Suddenly the door behind you opened. You cursed yourself for forgetting to lock the door. You didn't dare to look behind you. No matter who it was, they now knew your secret, and there was no way of hiding it any longer.

"What the..." You heard a male voice behind you. You squeezed your eyes shut. You would always be able to recognise this voice. Why out of all people did it have to be him?

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