One last time

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Dollie's POV
I woke up to my alarm ringing, I knew I didn't have to get up but I had forgotten to switch my alarm off as it was set automatically for 8am every single day apart from Sunday's. I could have gone back to sleep but I decided to stay up anyways. I made my way downstairs so I could get some breakfast
"Oh your up early" said Mom as I came into the kitchen.
"Yeah I forgot to turn my alarm off" I said.
"Oh right, well seeing as your up and look you don't have to if you don't want to but why don't you go to dance for one more time so you can say goodbye to everyone, because I know even though you'd hate to admit you're gonna miss AJ" said mom. I thought about it for a while.
"Yeah ok and well I suppose you're not wrong about AJ but I'll probably end up seeing him sooner or later" I said and then I went upstairs to get ready.
"Wow you've never been ready that quick in all your life" Said mom. I stuck my tongue out at her.
"Oi cheeky" she said with a giggle as we headed out of the door.
At dance
Right have a good day, oh and you know what you said about seeing AJ sooner or later"? Said mom.
"Yeah"......? I replied
"Well can you please tell him that he's invited to your dads birthday party next  Saturday"? Asked mom.
"Yeah sure" I Said as I got out.
"Hey guys" I said as I went over to Ava and Emma.
"Oh Dollie I'm surprised you came did your mom make you"? Asked Emma.
"Nope not this time" I replied
"Wait, hold up, so you chose to come, but you hate dance" Said Ava
"Yes but this will be my last time coming"
"Oh, I'll miss you" Said Ava
"But we'll still see each other, we'll arrange something" I Said.
"Yes and we'll talk all of the time" Said Emma.
"Oh yes do you mean in that group chat we've got called "Ava has a man-crush on AJ 😘" I said.
"I really wish you would change it" Said Ava. 
"But it's funny" I Said giggling
"It's not" Said Ava
"It is" Said Emma
"See Emma agrees with me" I Said
"Urgh you're so annoying" Said Ava hitting me with her bag.
"Ow" I said rubbing my arm I then I punched her.
"Oh no please don't fight" Said Emma.
"Girls come on" Said AJ coming out we had gotten distracted and hadn't noticed the rest of the class had gone in.
"Sorry about that AJ" I Said
"Thank you Dollie and I'm surprised you're here" Said AJ
"Yes well I won't be coming again after this" I Said
"Oh so I guess I won't see you for a while" Said AJ
"Well I guess but you're invited to my dads birthday next Saturday" I Said
"Okay, tell him I'll be there, what time"? AJ Said.
"Oh my mom didn't tell me that, you'll have to ask her or my dad" I Said
"Ok" Said AJ and then he went over to the stereo to sort the music out.
"Hang on a minute we weren't informed about this party" Said Ava as she pointed to herself and Emma.
"Yeah but it's not my party is it, but I guess I could ask my mom if you could stay the night" I suggested.
"Oh yes please do" Said Ava.
"Right guys lets begin" Said AJ. The music began and AJ counted us in.
After dance.
I was sat waiting with Ava and Emma for my mom to come and pick me up, they wanted to wait with me so that they could be there when I asked my mom.
10 mins later
I saw the car pull up so we all got up off the floor and went over, to my surprise my dad and sisters were in the car, but my mom wasn't.
"Where's mom"? I asked
"She's gone to do some shopping but the girls didn't want to go with her" said Dad.
"Hmmmm, that's strange the girls love shopping" I said.
"Okay well that's a lie, the girls have been grounded" said Dad.
"How come"? I asked quietly
"You're mom found them using her make up, but I couldn't leave them at home so I've had to bring them with me, but they're not allowed on their iPads or phones for the next two days" said Dad.
"Well anyway I was gonna ask mom if Ava and Emma could stay over next Saturday" I said.
"Yeah sure" said Dad.
Sorry it's been soooooooo long since I updated but I had a few issues with my phone but I've got a new one, well almost new but my sim Card doesn't work in it but hopefully I can get that sorted soon X

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