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Dollie's POV.
I was up in the study room with Jessie and Juniper, we were all doing our homeschooling. I was doing my maths and the girls were doing their English work.
"Hey Dollie" Jessie called
"Yes"? I said
"What's an adjective"? Jessie asked
"It's a word that describes something" j replied.
"What do you mean"? She asked.
"Well for example I could say that this tennis ball is yellow and bright, and the adjectives would be yellow and bright"
I said picking up and tennis ball.
"Ah ok I get it now" said Jessie.
"Hey girls how's it going"? Mom asked as she came into the room.
"Good" we all said.
"Ok well Jessie Juniper 5 more minutes and then you can take a break but Dollie can you come with me, you're dad and I want to talk" said mom
"Um ok" I said and then I got up from my seat and followed mom downstairs.
"So what's going on"? I asked as mom sat down at the kitchen table.
"Take a seat" said Dad so I sat down.
"Okay so here's the thing you're mom and I have been thinking and we both agree, we think you should go to school" said Dad.
"What!? No way"! I said as I got up to leave the table.
"Now hang on a minute hear me out before you start storming off, we're not gonna make you go this year, well we are but just for a trial week, but not until January so technically next year, in the trial week you'll do a few lessons and pick your options ready for next year, we just think that next year will be a good time to start going" said Dad
"Will you at least think about it"? Mom asked.
"Okay I'll think about it" I said
"Or how about you do the trial week and if you really don't like it then you don't have to go in September" dad suggested.
"Ok" I said.
Sorry it's so short xxxx

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