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When given upon a fairytale book to keep, Nakamoto Akira thinks nothing of it. Besides, fairytales are just pretend , so they don't exist , right ?

You could be wrong. Entering upon this fairytale book, Akira is transported into the fairytale world . Being the main character is very tough , especially when you're supposed to find your happy ending and they all live happily ever after , don't you think?

However , a dark curse is upon this land of fairytales , which if not contained , could spread to the actual real world , and all will cease to exist.

Sometimes, princesses don't need saving.

It's they who do the rescuing.


Author's note:

Hello! So this is my first kpop fanfic ever!

It will have errors yes, but I hope to improve and fix it for you guys. I am very excited, since I thought of this project since quite a while, but never to put in on words.

Because this story will contain fairytales, i am mixing the original tales with disney adaptations? ( if that makes sense.) I will only put five fairytales in.

I , myself love being a kpop multi, so introducing a member from every group , it's quite exciting . But if you aren't , don't worry. You can still enjoy the book.

Warnings :

This book will contain violence, blood , angst , cursing , mature themes.

If you can't handle that, this book probably isn't for you.

Another notes:

Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did making it!

Love -

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